Why can't I log into HBO Max or ESPN on my iPad
I am getting the error shown below on my iPad which is "Sign In Error. We are experiencing technical difficulties. Please try again later" It never works, no matter how long I wait or how many times I try again. This is not a technical difficulty. This is a defect. I cannot log into HBO Max or ESPN. I can log into AMC, it uses a different authentication method that works with Cox. It pops open a web page. I can log into HBO Max on my Mac using Safari. That works fine. This appears to be a defect on the Apple iPad. I have yet to try this on my phone. I need this working on my iPad, not my computer. I don't take my computer to where I view my shows. I need this working on my iPad. Also, watching with contour is not great. Contour does not track where I stopped watching an HBA show and always restarts what I want to watch. I have to search for the last scene I watched when I want to resume watching. Really annoying. Contour is not working well so that isn't a great option for me. Bottom line, I'm not having a great experience with COX and HBO Max because of this. I can't use the HBO Max platform (their app) to watch shows. E.g. I want to see if I can download and watch shows while I am traveling. Using contour is klunky. It works but not well enough. This is a major problem for me. I just signed up for a year of this and this is the first week. I am frustrated. I spent almost an hour with tech support last night on chat. I was suppose to get an email this morning with something to make this work. I got nothing. I am hoping support can get this problem identified and fixed. I have reset my password (always a good thing to do anyway). I have quit and restarted the application to no avail. I've tested on my Mac as I said above and that works. I even shutdown and restarted the iPad. Nothing clears this problem. It is persistent. [Moderator Edit: Removed Attachment]1.9KViews0likes16Comments