McAfee My Account Portal
Bought a new laptop and tried to download the free McAfee from Cox. Opened the page, entered my primary id and password, and received a message that "Something went wrong. Please contact Customer Support for assistance." Contacted customer service who transferred me 3 times then disconnected me.. Anyone else had this issue before? Could my primary id be causing the issues? Should I try contacting McAfee?867Views0likes2CommentsMAC OS Sierra and cox security suite
I'v been trying to download the cox security suite since the 10th when I got the virus email from cox. I called the cox security support number 4 times and have been told the site is having problems and try later to cox security suite is not comparable with MAC OS Sierra. I called MacAfee and they say it is. I called and asked for a conference call between MacAfee and cox support but they can't do that. Any suggestions?1.8KViews0likes0CommentsDetermining Primary account holder ID - Cox Security Suite
Does anyone know how to determine the Primary Account Holder ID? As far as I know, I am logged in as the Primary (and only authorized user) on my account. It is the ID listed on the Identity & Preferences page. When I attempt to access the Cox Security Suite page, I receive an error that in answer to another question, the moderator said is caused by not being logged in as the primary account holder. I have contacted Cox Technical Support three times (twice by email, once vial live chat) and they were no help. Both emails pointed me to an article about activating the software. The chat tech first pointed me to the same article. When I told her that didn't work, she sent me to the McAfee Virtual Technician which sent me back to Cox Technical Support since the security software is not on my computer. Since Technical Support has been no help, I thought I that I would try the issue from a different angle and stop assuming that ID listed in the Identity & Preferences page was the Primary account on my account.4.8KViews0likes3CommentsPC HealtCare & McAfee compatability
Has anyone else had a problem with PC HealthCare and MaAfee Security Center compatablity? I'm running Windows 7 and have always had the Cox supplied McAfee Security Center anti-virus etc software installed. I installed the Cox PC HealthCare several weeks ago and when I ran its scan it said I didn't have any anti-virus installed and had a firewall open. I ignored this and checked McAfee and it said my anti-virus and firewall was fine - computer is secure. Today (Aug 25 2012) there was an upgrade to McAfee which I installed and restarted the computer as instrucred. On restart the Cox PC HealthCare poped-up so I ran it again. Same result - said no anti-virus and had a link for "fix it", which I clicked. All heck broke lose, It shut down the internet connection, eventually crashed the system to a blue fatal error screen. I was only able to get the comuter back up after several reboots with a "start from broken system" prompt and a bunch of recovery functions that thankfully Microsoft has added in Windows 7. I have uninstalled Cox PC HealthCare and am running the Cox McAfee Security suite again, apparently sucessfully. The seems to be an incompatability between the two Cox supplied and recommended softwre packages - they want to fight each other when both installed. Has anyone else observed this, or know what to think about it?3.4KViews0likes2CommentsMozilla Firefox wont open after upgrade. Error: The instruction at 0x77bc2245 referenced memory at 0x77f1748. The memory could not be read
Is anyone else having this error? The instruction at 0x77bc2245 referenced memory at 0x77f1748. The memory could not be read. Good news, The problem is not with Cox or McAfee. In my case the issue came from additional anti Mal-ware software that I had installed, in my case it was (Prevx 3.0). I turned off my firewall (McAfee) and Prevx, then I uninstalled Firefox and re-installed it. I tried opening it without McAfee or my anti-malware software and it worked great. I turned back on the McAfee firewall and it stilled worked great. I turned back on Prevx and had same error message same problem. So for the time being I am just going to stick with McAfee from Cox and leave Prevx off. At a later time I may attempt to figure out what setting in Prevx 3.0 was causing the problem, if anyone has any thoughts or suggestions on this please let me know. Thanks Peacefulwaves peacefulwaves@cox.net2.9KViews0likes1CommentMcAfee Security Suite
The latest update to the Cox McAfee Security Suite has seemed to cause a lot of problems with internet browsing, uploads, and downloads. After the update was installed, simple internet browsing became extremely slow (if the website would even load at all) and I was unable to download anything, even small and simple files like Mozilla Firefox. The download would start but freeze up quickly thereafter and never complete (I even left it overnight, it didn't budge from where I had left it the night before). I have now completely uninstalled Cox McAfee Security Suite and everything has returned to normal, performance-wise, with the obvious exception of a running anti-virus program. Is it possible to re-install Cox Security Suite and revert it back to the previous version?12KViews0likes4Comments