Trouble updating modem
Cox makes it difficult to do business with them. I'll be filing a complaint with the FCC, but also wanted to file one with Cox and didn't see a way to do that on their website. I got an email that I had to update my modem, it had a button and said it would be 3 easy steps When I click the button, it has me login but takes me to different plans and options but not to update my modem. I go on to chat, and the stupid AI Oliver thing asks me, and I say I need to upgrade my modem, it takes me to link to sign on again and it says "I did not find a modem offline" HUH? I am not asking to reboot my modem, so I finally get to a live rep I explain to him and several minutes later he asks me to confirm I need a new modem, I say yes Several minutes later, he responds "there is an outage in your area and we expect service to be restored at..." That wasn't why I reached out. If there was an outage it wasn't affecting me. I asked for a supervisor, finally I get one and he says he can help. I also mention my TV cable boxes are glitchy and could I update those as well. He asks me for the serial number. My cable box is secured in a cabinet and not easy to take out to find a serial number sticker inconveniently placed on the back of the box. In doing so, the cable breaks and it's fished behind the wall and behind a tile fireplace. So now I'm screwed because my cable is now broken and have no TV in my family room. Why in the HELL does COX ask for the serial number - doesn't COX already know that? Then I get disconnected from my chat and my TV is now without a cable connection I decided to call COX this time, the first time I go through the phone tree I pick option 0 to speak to someone and it says I reached them after hours. It's a Saturday and they say they are closed on weekends. I know that can't be. So I call back and select "Technical Support" option That takes me to a recording that says there is an outage in my area and talking to someone would not speed up recovery and gives me no other option but to end the call. I have to call back and find an option to talk to someone and finally get a hold of someone in Sales to upgrade my service. COX makes it virtually impossible to talk to someone, unless you are going to upgrade you service so they make more money. So fed up, FIRST - if you send an email with a button to update your modem, take me to a page to update my modem, not review my service packages. SECOND: Get rid of that Oliver thing that is just a speed bump to annoy your customers or get one that is really AI and not just some canned responses. Do it right or not at all with virtual assistants. Oliver is crap. THIRD: DON'T make your customers dig for a serial number you don't need because you should know what equipment I have. Useless only again to place needless hurtles to your customers. FOURTH, just because you have an outage - DON'T ASSUME I'M CALLING ABOUT THAT AND GIVE ME THE OPTION TO TALK TO SOMEONE BECAUSE MY CALL IS NOT ABOUT THE FREAKING OUTAGE THAT WASN'T IMPACTING ME IN THE FIRST PLACE! I still don't have a new modem and now I'm without cable in my living room. Thanks COX you really know how to screw your customers. Horrible experience and you really need to see how awful and flawed you are by just seeing what it's like as a customer.134Views1like1Comment