Cable cards and tuning adapters NOT working
I’m 4 weeks into this issue that nobody can resolve. I have 4 sets of cable cards and tuning adapters in 4 TiVo units. About 4 weeks ago, I noticed that some channels were not working. I also noticed that all 4 tuning adapters were flashing yellow (should be solid yellow). I called and they “reset” my connection. Didn’t work. Did that again a few days later. Still didn’t work. They sent a tech to the home (which showed no issues. I then talked to a tech agent who couldn’t pair all my equipment and suggested that I swap them out. Did that - all new (used) cards and adapters. Called the 877-820-82xx number and got those partially paired on one TV (not the others). They sent another tech to my house (no issues). The last time I called tech she was able to pair ALL cards but I have limited service. No sub channels (1 HBO, 1 Showtime, no EPIX, etc). I subscribe to EVERY channel. Frustrated, I settled and decided to shelve my 4 TiVo’s and go with your IP TV service. I ordered the Ultimate DVR service (record 24) with 4 HD boxes. They had to upgrade my modem to facilitate it. Said great - I’ll see it in a couple days. Ended the call. What I received from UPS was 2 old DVR’s with 4 clients and the new style modem. When I called (yet again) they said the sent me that equipment because IP TV service isn’t available in my area. REALLY? I just want my cable cards to work so I can use my TiVos or receive the IP/cloud based DVR service like I was offered. Can anybody help?950Views0likes1Comment