ContributionsMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: Ping & Packet loss [Megathread] Add me to another frustrated Cox HSI customer! After dealing with the packet loss and high jitter issue for weeks, I went ahead filed FCC informal compliant on last Sat (7-day PingPlotter tracegraph attached showing problem starting from Hop2). Today I received a call from Cox rep in their Exec Office. He admitted that the node over-saturation is indeed the problem. He said my neighborhood node has 500+ people on it while typically should only have 200-300 (I'd argue it should be even lesser than that). I asked him when the upgrade (a note was left from Cox in my Cox Inbox indicating "infrastructure upgrade" was coming; this was Sep 2019) could happen, and he said it was supposed to be on 02/19/20 but for some reason it did't. He promised to get back to me on the schedule update. We'll see. What worries me - even after node split, there is still 260+ people on the same node... I really don't think Cox infrastructure capacity is keeping up with the greater Phoenix area population growth. Re: AZ Chandler - constant packet loss Status tracking: 03/21/20: initial packet loss issue reported to Cox CSR. Also started posting on Cox Internet forum with PingPlot tracegraph showing issue started from Hop2. during the week of 3/16~3/21, multiple service outages (unplanned) experienced. Replaced Arris SB6180 (which is capable to handle my 150/10 plan) with Motorola MB8600 (Gigablast approved). No improvement. Still seeing significant packet loss. 03/22/20: Cox Contractor on-site. Measured Tx/Rx signal quality from tube (tap), Cox cable box, and coax outlet in my room where the cable modem is connected to. The tech admitted that the signal is already weak at tube and there is not much he can do to fix it. He added MOCA filter in the cable box and replaced the coax connector too; no improvement. 03/23/20: emailed with 24hr PingPlotter trace showing ~10% packet loss. 03/24/20: received email response from Cox CSR "There is currently maintenance occurring in your area so we won't be able to do any testing right now." During the week of 03/22~03/28, experiencing service outages on a daily basis. 3/28/20: updated in both Cox CSR and Cox Internet forum with continued packet loss issue (7day PingPlotter trace attached). KevinM2 responded 03/29 asking to reach out on Twitter, FB or @ (which I did already on email). I went ahead and reached out to Twitter. Twitter CSR apologized for the situation and offered credits for the inconvenience. Again stated "There is currently maintenance occurring in your area so we won't be able to do any testing right now.". When pressed for the schedule of node split, was given the typical answer "As far as the upgrade does, there are multiple factors involved in the planning and scheduling of this type of work and we are unable to effect any change to the schedule." 03/28/20 FCC informal complaint filed with 7-day PingPlotter traced attached; clearly indicating Hop2 ISP node being the problem. 03/31/20 received a call from Cox Executive Office responding to FCC compliant. During the call he agreed to node over-saturation issue (500+ people on the node while typically should only have 200~300). Promised to get back to me on the infrastructure upgrade schedule. Btw, it was not clear the infrastructure upgrade is a node split or fiber optical upgrade to the tube. Re: High latency, terrible speeds. I did that too but unsure how useful that informal complaint will be. Experience from the following Youtube link is he has to go all the way to AZ State Attorney General's Office (17:29) to get Cox to resolve this. This whole process takes 18mon to get Cox finally acknowledges the issue and performs node split. The author gave pretty good advice at the end: **Start data collection and documenting accurate timeline of communication with Cox regarding packet loss and high latency. I am following his advice now. Youtube Troubleshooting Your Home Network And ISP - Packet Loss And High Latency Re: AZ Chandler - constant packet loss I just did that. Re: AZ Chandler - constant packet loss The modem has a setting that doesn't respond to ping. If I open it up indefinitely, it will be exposed to the hacker. Please PM me know a time window when you want to do this then I will open up for ping. Below are more PingPlotter data collections over the last 7days to 5 different destinations. The problem is periodic and predictable. Quiet at night (12am-8am); lots of packet loss during day time. They all start from Hop2. A terrible bandwidth too. Re: High latency, terrible speeds. I hear you. I have the same issue in Phoenix AZ area. Suggest to capture the PingPlotter graph over 48hr window to demonstrate the problem. Data doesn't lie... Re: AZ Chandler - constant packet loss @808 My 2cents: Install PingPlotter (free trial for 14day) on your computer with wired connection to your router (also try cable modem directly bypassing the router), run for 48hr to collect packet loss data so it will give you some hints where the problem is. Each ease could be different.. My case happens to be node saturation. I agree that the Cox internet in the Chandler area has been VERY unstable in the past few days. Today is another day with service outage (4th time in the past week). Re: AZ Chandler - constant packet loss Hi, The technician stopped by yesterday but was unable to resolve the issue. He did a couple of things: replace the coax cable connector on the tube, my Cox cable box, and in the room. installed MOCA filter (with proper grounding) on the cable in the cable box measured the Tx/Rx signal quality at various spots "tube" (yellow Cox cylinder in my front yard) cable box outside of the house Coax output at the room where the cable modem is located coax cable into the cable modem Basically he is saying the signal quality is already bad on Cox tube therefore there is not much he can do as the node is saturated. My only hope is to wait for an optical fiber upgrade. Today I measured the packet loss is ~10% with PacketPlotter (attached). 30min (target1) - a good correlation between Hop2 & Final 24hr (target1) - note pretty quiet at night from 12am-8am 24hr (Target2) - all started from Hop2 The notice on the Cox tube outside my house was placed Sep 2019 indicating fiber optical upgrade. It has been sitting there for 6mon. When can I expect the upgrade? This makes WFH impossible as I need to dial into the Skype meetings a lot. Thanks. Re: AZ Chandler - constant packet loss StephanieS, I wrote the Email. Thanks. Re: AZ Chandler - constant packet loss result of pinging