Forum Discussion

azhurricane's avatar
New Contributor
11 years ago

Issues with WD My AV DVR Expander and 8240HDC DVR

I've posted previously about issues with trying to use an eSATA drive with my 8240HDC and the conclusion was the WD DVR Expander would work.  I just purchased the 1TB WD My AV DVR Expander from my local Cox store.  It installed without a hitch, which was nice.  Unfortunately, I have the following problems:

1. When I turn off the 8240HDC, the next time I turn it on, it takes about 15 - 20 seconds for an image to appear and the eSATA drive isn't always recognized (the evidence is that the DVR free space returns to internal HDD capacity).  If I unplug the eSATA cable and plug it back in, the drive is recognized and the capacity increases.

2. My recorded shows now do not start recording until precisely 17 minutes after they start. Perhaps because the eSATA drive doesn't get recognized right away or because it is in some standby mode when it's supposed to start recording?

So my questions are:

1. Is this normal? Anyone else experiencing this?

2. Is there a setting in my 8240HDC that I need to set / toggle?

3. Is there a sleep or standby mode on the WD DVR Expander that I need to disable?

4. Should I just give up on trying to increase my recording space using an eSATA drive??

Any help is appreciated.

  • Go into the DVR settings menu, then Power Management options

    Make sure the setting is Power Manager > Hard Drive Power > "Always on"  (not On with Set-top)

    Also DO NOT use the AC Power plug on the back of the DVR for the External HDD

    When I had an 8240HDC, I just used a bare HDD w/o any enclosure, at that time there were issues with certain enclosures and chipsets that made the DVR unstable.

  • Health_Edge's avatar
    Valued Contributor III

    I have heard of problem one before. I think it had something to do with the boot order? Are you turning the the Expander off when you turn off the the DVR?

    Never heard of the second problem though. Is it that the record function doesn't start for 17min, or it starts but the recording doesn't show the first 17min? Does it work if you force a manual recording?

  • Thanks for responding to my post Edge.

    I do not turn off the Expander when I turn off the DVR.  I just leave it on.  As a mitigation I now leave the DVR on all the time - which I don't really want to do.

    The record function does not start for 17 minutes.  This only happens when I turn off the DVR.  If I leave it on all the time (like I mentioned above) the recordings are fine.

    I'm also getting digitized / interrupted playback on my recordings since I installed the Expander.  I'm on the verge of just returning it to the Cox store.  But I desperately want it to work!

  • bryaninphx's avatar
    Valued Contributor

    Go into the DVR settings menu, then Power Management options

    Make sure the setting is Power Manager > Hard Drive Power > "Always on"  (not On with Set-top)

    Also DO NOT use the AC Power plug on the back of the DVR for the External HDD

    When I had an 8240HDC, I just used a bare HDD w/o any enclosure, at that time there were issues with certain enclosures and chipsets that made the DVR unstable.

  • Bryan!  I was hoping you'd still be around.  Thanks for the info.

    I made that change, tested it out and now the TV image comes on almost instantly like it used to, and I am able to record full shows even when the DVR is turned off (no more 17 minute bug).

    If I continue to get digitized / interrupted playback then I might investigate removing the external HDD from the Expander enclosure.  Or get a bare bones eSATA HDD.


  • OK, well the digitized / interrupted playback has not gone away.  I'd say it happens now every couple of minutes.  it's very annoying.  any thoughts on what might be wrong or how to fix it?  i would like to think playback should be seamless...

  • Health_Edge's avatar
    Valued Contributor III

    Once again Byran shows himself to be the Cablecard/external harddrive god. Just remember, with great power comes...cake. Yea, I think thats how it goes.

  • bryaninphx's avatar
    Valued Contributor

    azhurricane said:
    OK, well the digitized / interrupted playback has not gone away.  I'd say it happens now every couple of minutes.  it's very annoying.  any thoughts on what might be wrong or how to fix it?  i would like to think playback should be seamless...

    Have you tried a different eSATA Cable?  I have seen many reports where the cable incuded with the WD DVR Expander just doesn't work.

    If that doesn't work.
    You should really consider getting a CableCARD and a TiVo Roamio and upgrade the internal HDD to a 2TB or 3TB HDD.

    That 8240HDC is getting pretty old. Maybe a time for an upgrade?
    Back when I was using and experimenting with the 8240HDC, it was very clear by all the reports that the WD Black HDD was the best option for an External HDD.  The WD DVR Expander should work, and should contain a WD AV-GP HDD but many reported it was unsucessful.