Forum Discussion

szafman's avatar
New Contributor
12 years ago

on screen guide.

I have noticed that increasingly the program listing on the guide is wrong on many channels.  I tried rebooting the box hoping that the guide would update, but still there are inconsistency's in what is supposed to be on (according to the guide) and what is actually on.  I realize that a lot of this information is provided by the cable / broadcast networks to the cable companies, but when I look at their websites and I look at my on screen guide some times they are night and day.  This makes setting the DVR difficult and at times is very frustrating.  any ideas?

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  • This is just very typical of Cox's brand of "customer service".  Any customer complaints about this chronic program guide problem results always in Cox automatically blaming the "other guy" (ie, the networks they contract with). 

    It apparently hasn't ever occurred to anyone at the Cox executive management level that communication and negotiation with their network/content providers to require accurate transmittal of program information, on a consistent basis, SHOULD be a core contract requirement. 

    After all, we Cox customers pay Cox for an accurate, timely, program guide (but receive one which we can never depend on) and Cox happily takes our money, but they fail to hold their content providers accountable on the other side for accurate content description when they pay out our money for the programs. 

    The fact that Cox has been tinkering/working on their television program guide, off and on for the past 3-4 years, is a definite indicator that they know they have major problems with it, but they refuse to admit it publicly, and they seem unwilling to invest the kind of time, money, and talent that are required to produce a quality, reliable, program guide for us, their paying cable TV customers.

    I agree that the Cox program guide problem is growing increasingly worse.

    In my local area (Tulsa) for the past 48 hours, I have had NO TV program guide available at all except for the current day's listings.  It's very frustrating - and time-consuming - to have to go to the computer, to pull up each network website one by one, and to review their program listings in order to program my Cox DVR.

    I'll now get on the telephone this morning, and after suffering through the misery of Cox's "Automated Annie" answering system, and then going through their uber-fascist, customer identification process once again when a live person finally answers my call, eventually, I will be allowed to report this latest program guide problem to a Cox technical support person. 

    Depending on whom I am allowed to speak with today and their level of knowledge and awareness of what is really going on at Cox with the program guide, I will then be instructed by the tech support person to unplug everything, to re-plug everything, and to turn everything back on, and then - maybe - I'll have a good program guide which projects somewhere from 4-7 days into the future (Cox's standard) . . . or maybe I won't.  Of course, I've already tried all of these trouble-shooting efforts, every day for the past three days, before ever calling Cox - but that won't make any difference to them.

    Once I'm finished with the awkward, lengthy, and stressful process of reaching out to Cox to report my latest program guide problem, I'll then request a transfer to someone in the Cox billing department, where I will ask for a credit on my bill for the past three days, due to the absence of any kind of program guide at all, except for the current 24-hour period.  A few dollars credit will be issued to my bill, and my direct "customer service" contact with Cox Communications will end - until the next time.

    I find it laughable that Cox calls themselves a "COMMUNICATIONS" company. 

    Clearly Cox's ONLY goal is profit - and as long as we Cox customers continue to pay them top dollar for their brand of unreliable, low-level, customer service, they win . . . and we lose.  There's not a thing wrong with making a profit - but insulting and lying to one's own customers, and always blaming "the other guy" for one's own failure to deliver on promised services, in order to make that profit, are very quickly becoming business models which Americans consumers are simply no longer willing to tolerate.




  • mike007's avatar
    New Contributor III

    I have the Trio Guide on mine and I have seen what you see. Some times the programs are listed wrong. I have found out that they get this guide sometimes 1-2 weeks in advance because of this it can cause issues if the info given changes or even it the info given is wrong or entered incorrectly as with all things with people involved errors will happen.  Your issue sound like it is very bad compared to what I would have expected. I would call in next time you see major errors in the guide and compare that with what the agent in the office sees. 

  • Hi Szafman,

    Mike's answer below is dead-on. If there are multiple inconsistencies on a daily basis, definitely call your local Cox Tech Support so we can take a closer look. 

  • Hi Frustrated,

     “No Data” in the Cox On-Screen Guide indicates that the cable box has gotten out of sync with the Cox network. This synchronization error could be caused by power fluctuations, cable signal outage, or a low or intermittent signal getting to the cable box. Unplug the power to the cable box for 2 minutes, plug it back in, and give the box 5 minutes to go through the LOAD cycle. Once the LOAD cycle is complete, you will be able to watch TV and change channels, but the Guide may take UP TO 30 MINUTES to load completely.

    Since you are losing Guide data frequently, there may be a signal-related issue outside your house completely. Please email me your full street address and phone number so I can get this resolved for you! My address is