Forum Discussion

Rootman's avatar
New Contributor III
12 years ago

Moto DVR and closed captioning

Just got Cox service and was surprised that Closed Captioning was not very easy to access.  Since HDMI does not transmit the raw CC signal to the TV you are forced to use the DVR's decoding which puts the CC into the picture itself and sends it to the TV over the HDMI cable.

So you'd think that pressing the CC button on the remote would toggle CC on and off on the DVR.  Nope, you have to go to SETTINGS -> GUIDE OPTIONS -> CLOSED CAPTIONS and turn it on and off. Not hard but certainly not as easy or logical as pressing the CC button.

I realize this isn't something COX is responsible for but I have no other forum to "complain" about it to. It seems like a rather obvious the design.  The only other option I have (other than settings etc) is to connect via analog cables so the TV  can decode CC and take the picture quality hit.

  • Domino's avatar
    Valued Contributor III

    What is the model number of your DVR? What IPG does it use?

    Also, there is minimal video degradation when switching from HDMI to component. Some people swear that component looks better.

  • Rootman's avatar
    New Contributor III

    It's a Cisco 8742HDC DVR.  . i am not sure where I got Moto from.  I'm a geek but I'm afraid I don't know what an IPG is

    I use the CC when I can't understand the dialog, some dialog in shows is muddled, others like BBCA programs the dialog seems to be drowned out by the background music - as well as their speech patterns sometimes hard to discern.  I am a bit hearing impaired as well.  So between these issues I find myself using CC a few times a night. 

    The TV has an option to show CC when muted so before on DISH satellite service I generally just poked the mute button on the TV remote to turn them on, because we have a separate surround sound receiver the audio remains on and caption visible.

    When I have the TV button on the remote selected pressing CC brings up the CC options on the TV - ON OFF or ON WITH MUTE.  When I have the CABLE button selected it does nothing as HDMI does not forward the CC signal through it to the TV.  It would seem logical that it should turn CC on and off the same as the SETTINGS -> GUIDE OPTIONS -> CLOSED CAPTIONS -> ON would do.

    I might just hook the composite back up to get this feature back.

  • Domino's avatar
    Valued Contributor III

    Rootman said:

    It's a Cisco 8742HDC DVR.  . i am not sure where I got Moto from.  I'm a geek but I'm afraid I don't know what an IPG is


    I might just hook the composite back up to get this feature back.

    Ah, a Cisco 8742HDC, eh? The IPG for that is Trio (Contour.) Note the large "Contour" logo in the bottom left corner of the guide? The CC remote control button functionality MIGHT be returned in an upcoming firmware update. In the meantime, composite cables or menu trekking are your only options.

  • Domino's avatar
    Valued Contributor III

    Rootman said:

    What does the term IPG stand for anyway?

    Integrated Program Guide. It's also known as a EPG (Electronic Program Guide.)