Forum Discussion

Orion_7's avatar
New Contributor
11 years ago

The Blaze

I am joining in the choir on trying to understand the reticence of Cox Cable for adding The Blaze TV to your lineup.  I have asked this question in phone calls, emails, through twitter, and now in the forum.  We spend over $2,500 a year for Cox cable which is no small amount.   It seems Cox cable is willing to add all sorts of channels to its lineup that very few if any people watch.

Additionally, Cox seems to have no problem adding news and commentary channels that definitely lean left to far left.  I believe that Cox Communications would greatly enhance its reputation as a fair and honest broker of news and opinion networks by adding The Blaze TV to its lineup.  If not, I am more than willing to switch to Dish Network for my TV viewing just to get what I want.

I certainly hope Cox Communications will relent and add a channel that addresses my political beliefs and opinions and is a counter weight to the very left views of channels such as MSNBC.

Thank you,

Orion &

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