Forum Discussion

Jduff's avatar
New Contributor
12 years ago

Showtime anytime

Hearing the reason that Cox subscribers can't have access to Showtime anytime is because it costs too much sounds like the same reason Direct TV gave me that they couldn't carry the PAC-12 Network. If the other cable providers can find a way to provide Showtime anytime, Cox better find one soon too or I will unfortunately have to leave this provider as well.  Please correct this problem Cox

  • ChrisL's avatar
    Former Moderator
    Programming costs and customer demand all weight into determining what programming will best enhance the overall value of our product offering.  I'll be sure to submit a channel request on your behalf.
  • Health_Edge's avatar
    Valued Contributor III

    If it means my bill will go up even if I don't subscribe to Showtime then I would like it known I DONT want Cox to carry it. I don't mean this in mean way, just want to voice my opinion too. :-)

  • Nicole555's avatar
    New Contributor

    I agree. Especially considering that my Showtime OnDemand NEVER works!! I've called twice about this problem and was told "they can't see a problem with the line" At least if Cox offered Showtime Anytime I would be able to watch the shows I'm paying to have access to.

  • ChrisL's avatar
    Former Moderator

    We can definitely look into the OnDemand issues you've been having.  Please email us at with your account information so we may check things out on our end.
  • memcb's avatar
    New Contributor

    I agree, but the problem with Cable is that you are forced to use a specific provider (monopoly) and therefore you really only have satellite as an alternative, which isn't always a better choice  (AND there is really only ONE satellite provider;-()

    We need to get to a point of dealing direct for our subscriptions with providers (HBO, Showtime, etc.) via the Internet for streaming content so the cable providers don't have so much power over who get to se what where and when.


    I don't understand why I can't get HBOGO on my Samsung Smart TV app either.  Probably same story; cuts into COX's profit picture.