Forum Discussion

stanbelcher's avatar
New Contributor
12 years ago


Whole Home DVR with Trio Program Guide / DNLA feature setup and usage

I have setup my system as follows; however, I am being prompted for an Activation Key.  

Where would I find the Activation Key for the DLNA/DTCP-IP?


Cisco 9865 steps:

1.  Connect host box to router/switch using Ethernet cable.

2.  Cisco 9865 now has an IP address valid on my home network (

Playstation 3:

1.  Ensure your Playstation 3 is connected to your home network and can access network features.

2.  Scroll to the Settings tab then down to Date and Time settings, ensure that Set Automatically is set to On.

3.  Back to Settings and select System Settings.

4.  Scroll down and select Enable DTCP-IP.

5.  Your host DVR box(s) should now be visible under the Video/Media menu by the last 6 digits of their MAC address.

6.  I see all of the content; however, I am being prompted for an Activation Key.  Any Ideas?  

  • KipK's avatar
    Valued Contributor II

    I believe that may be referring to the MoCA password, but our current instructions don't refer to an activation key at all. I'm not sure if that's an error, or if it's a new development.

    I'm going to check with some people, but if you want to try the MoCA password (which is currently the only "key" I know of that you can get to), it's visible under Settings - Receivers - DVR Network - View MoCA Password.

    EDIT: I just want to make sure, is this a Playstation you're hooking up? Because while I'm not personally familiar with the Playstation, I know some hardware and software that has DLNA and other encryption capabilities built in requires its own separate activation process and may be prompting you for some activation code that's entirely separate from our equipment, so I just need to clarify that.

  • Kip K.:

    I am trying a Playstation, XBox, PC (Cyberlink SoftDMA with DLNA/DTCP-IP support) and an iPad.

    All four give me a similar error.

    Error Message "Activation unsuccessful. CyberLink SoftDMA is unable to play this file."

    I am connecting to a Cisco 9865 that supports DLNA and Digital Transmission Content Protection over IP (DTCP-IP) to an authenticated device.

    I enter the key, which is the MOCA password for the device, and I receive the error.  I can see all of the content, but cannot play any of the recorded video.

    I have opened a case with Cisco.  Cisco TAC is telling me that the MOCA password is for a MOCA (coax to ethernet) connection and that Cox will need to supply me with an activation code to allow my devices to function.

    Thank you for the help.

  • Trikein's avatar
    Contributor III

    How many Whole home DVR do you have? Does the MoCA between the boxes themselves work? The Host receiver is supposed to authenticate the key with the different client receivers but sometimes that process gets stuck. I can't remember exactly why, but I think Cox has a way of changing or resetting the MoCA password to the default? Maybe try that?

  • MOCA works fine on the coax connections.

    (1) main box with (6) tuners and (3) remotes.  All (3) remotes have no issues seeing and playing content from the main box.

    I had Cox reinitialize the MOCA authentication; I had to reboot all devices, the MOCA password changed, but I am still having the same issues.

    is their a MOCA default password?

  • Trikein's avatar
    Contributor III

    "I have opened a case with Cisco.  Cisco TAC is telling me that the MOCA password is for a MOCA (coax to ethernet) connection and that Cox will need to supply me with an activation code to allow my devices to function."

    This seems wrong. The instructions state to connect the host direct to the router, so your not using MoCA(because your using ethernet, not cable), so you don't need any password for it. That would be like it needing your phone number. What you need is the DLNA/DTCP-IP activation key. See page 14-15.

    What I think the issue might be the host receiver is set to "Full authentication". And thats why its requiring the key before authenticate the exchange keys. Why its on that mode and how to fix it, I have no idea. Also JMHO.