COX Website TV Listings
I am logged in to my COX account on the COX Website and am on the TV LIstings web page. I can't seem to figure out how to filter the channels listed down to only those that I am actually subscribed to. The TV Listings show ALL of COX's channels. This is analogous to going to a restaurant and being handed a menu that has items on it from every restaurant for a five mile radius and no quick and easy way to distinguish which menu items the restaurant that you are sitting in actually serves. You would want to ask the waiter for a menu that shows only those items that they serve. So, I want to see only those channels that I can actually watch (those that I am subscribed to). This should be automatic once you are logged in. If I am missing something, or a setting that does this please let me know. If this is not possible, then I must say that that is a serious design flaw and makes the web-based TV Listings completely useless.
This same issue applies to the COX iPhone apps!
Thanks in advance for any help!