Forum Discussion

gariee's avatar
New Contributor
10 years ago

Audio Description is On and I cannot seem to turn if Off?

I have an HD DVR box with Contour. TV is a Vizio LED HD TV. It is connected via HDMI to the HD DVR box.

I have not turned on anything extra but all of a sudden tonight on TBS HD channel the audio thing is On? I can hear someone narrating the actors actions.

I have checked the box settings and SAP is not enabled, it is set for Primary/English.

Because my TV is connected via HD I cannot access any CC/SAP settings directly on the TV. I had never turned either On on the TV itself.

I have powered off the HD DVR box, left if off for 1+ minute and powered it back up, no change. The audio thing is still On o TBS HD channel. TBS standard does not appear to be playing this audio narration.

What the heck am I not doing right here?

  • Domino's avatar
    Valued Contributor III

    The audio is part of the CC, not the SAP. Try toggling the CC "OFF" on your remote.

  • bryaninphx's avatar
    Valued Contributor

    If the Audio Description is on the Primary Audio Track, then Cox is messing up the broadcast, I have never heard it without turning on SAP.

    Audio Description is a SAP (Secondary Audio Track) it has nothing to do with CC (Closed Captioning)

    CC - Closed Captioning is for the Hearing Impaired
    AD - Audio Description (or Descriptive Audio) is for the Visually Impaired

    ABC and USA frequently use an Audio Description Track, Turning it On/Off is the same as Turning On/Off a Spanish Track

  • gariee's avatar
    New Contributor

    Thanks for the replies ! 

    I have toggled CC On and Off and that works for CC.

    I checked SAP and it is not On. I toggled it On and Off a few times and it did not appear to makea difference. I looked through any and every menu possible and I cannot see why this audio description is playing on that HD channel.

  • StephanieA's avatar
    Former Moderator
    Are you hearing the narration on all shows on TBS HD or only certain ones? In what city and state do you live? 

  • gariee's avatar
    New Contributor

    Honestly I am not 100% sure about all shows. I definitely noticed it for Big Bang Theory that started at 8PM and it kept doing it for that show. I watched 2 or 3 episodes and it did it for each before I changed channels.

    I cannot be 100% certain it was doing it for the show right before that or a show after as I had changed channels.

    I am in Westerly, Rhode Island. I also noticed it was not running this narration for TBS normal, just the HD channel. 

    I did try a couple of other HD channels, FOX, CBS, etc.. at the same time and those did not appear to be doing it.

    I am totally confused. Thanks for your help guys !

  • bryaninphx's avatar
    Valued Contributor

    Here are the Logos for ABC and USA where programing has a Descriptive Audio SAP



  • Hi gariee, 

    I couldn't repeat this on TBS HD at 8pm on the program Big Bang Theory in your area. Is this still an issue for you? Do you have any other HDTVs with an HD receiver in the home that are repeating the same trouble?