Forum Discussion

srp90's avatar
New Contributor
11 years ago

Hampton Roads/VA Beach - Connectivity Issues?

I want to say for the last 3-4 days now my internet speed has been extremely unstable with high levels of packet loss. I've got Preferred, so I should be hovering around 50mpbs, however I've barely been getting more than 2. Upload speed is fine; no issues there. On a speed test I'll start out at 20-25 upload and then drop down to 5-7mbps near the end, which is normal behavior give that Cox does that little 'speed boost" stuff at the start/end of downloads/uploads. Despite the low, low download speeds, latency/ping is also fine. Download just never climbs over 2mbps.

This 2mbps down thing is a little annoying. I work from home frequently and the slow speed and packet loss is causing my VPN sessions to be unstable and drop frequently.  I've logged into my modem's diagnostic page, and it looks like I'm only getting 7 bonded downstream channels instead of 8. I've got 4 bonded upload channels, which is normal. I've noticed that the modem attempts to bond an 8th channel, succeeds for a short period of time, and then drops that 8th channel off. I've noticed that the 8th channel (channel 58 in attached image below), has an insanely high amount of "irritation", shall we say, around the uncorrectable codewords compared to all of the rest of the channels.

From my understanding of how things work, that means "im getting lots of garbage signal and packets on this channel"

Something I'm also seeing in the logs are these messages, which correlate to that flaky 8th channel from what I've researched online:

Has anyone else in the Virgina Beach/Hampton roads area had any strange drops in their connection speed?

  • DerrickW's avatar
    Valued Contributor
    Hi srp90,

    You should definitely be getting faster speeds than that.  I'd like to look into this further for you, can you please email us at with your account information?  We'll figure out what's going on with the connection.