Forum Discussion

LoneCandy's avatar
New Contributor
10 years ago

New latency problem in WoW


I am a longtime customer of Cox, and player of World of Warcraft. I play here in Virginia, but I connect to an Oceanic Server based in Sydney, Australia, due to them being active during my waking hours (which are the middle of the night U.S. time). Roughly a week ago, I began to experience a spike in latency in my game, increasing from the normal 250ms to 360-380ms and staying steady at that level. I contacted the game's Technical Support team and was told to run a traceroute in order to determine the source of the problem. Once I did so, they said that the signal seemed to be experiencing an unusual amount of packet loss at a certain point in the route, and that I should contact my ISP to determine what to do next.

Here is the traceroute (Run throughthe WinMTR program they provided).

|                                      WinMTR statistics                                   |
|                       Host              -   %  | Sent | Recv | Best | Avrg | Wrst | Last |
|                           router.belkin -    0 |  722 |  722 |    0 |    0 |    4 |    0 |
|                     -    0 |  722 |  722 |    6 |    9 |   26 |    8 |
|                 -    0 |  722 |  722 |    6 |   10 |   45 |    7 |
| -    0 |  722 |  722 |   13 |   17 |   45 |   15 |
|   -    0 |  722 |  722 |   14 |   24 |   97 |   27 |
|    -    0 |  722 |  722 |   83 |   88 |  111 |   90 |
|      -    3 |  653 |  636 |   81 |  159 |  211 |  171 |
| -    3 |  666 |  652 |   82 |  161 |  266 |  169 |
| -    3 |  654 |  637 |  247 |  322 |  389 |  333 |
| -    6 |  598 |  567 |  252 |  326 |  378 |  342 |
| -    3 |  662 |  647 |  250 |  324 |  372 |  334 |
| -    4 |  638 |  617 |  250 |  325 |  390 |  335 |
| -    3 |  654 |  637 |  249 |  324 |  387 |  335 |
| -    3 |  646 |  627 |  253 |  327 |  378 |  343 |
| -    3 |  666 |  652 |  262 |  340 |  467 |  351 |
|                 -    5 |  610 |  582 |  271 |  345 |  420 |  355 |
|                  -    2 |  670 |  657 |  259 |  332 |  374 |  346 |
   WinMTR v0.92 GPL V2 by Appnor MSP - Fully Managed Hosting & Cloud Provider

They told me to draw your attention to the point at, where a large spike in latency occurs, and to request that Cox look into this provider, as they could find no clear data on that address.

2 Replies

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  • Health_Edge's avatar
    Valued Contributor III

    Looks like Vocus has HE doing it's IP transit. If that is correct, then Vocus is paying HE(Hurricane Electric)  to route their traffic, Cox isn't paying them. And since Cox isn't their customer, they aren't going to have much pull with HE. I think the correct escalation path would be to have WoW contact their ISP(Vocus) so they can contact HE about the routing problem. If I had to guess, they are going over bandwidth.

  • LoneCandy's avatar
    New Contributor

    Hello Tiffany!

    Yes, the problem is continuing, at roughly the same levels today as it has all week. There were a few times this morning where it even spiked far higher--into the 1500ms range--but I can't tell if that is being caused by the same issue. How would I contact Vocus, or is that something I should get the game's technical support to look into?