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Terse's avatar
New Contributor
13 years ago

4 Tech Visits and Still Internet Fails! - OC California

Really getting sick and tired of Cox and their substandard service and infrastructure.  We have had 4 tech visits to get our internet working.

1st tech said everything was fine and did nothing, internet failed within days after visit.

2nd tech said there was noise in the line so we adjusted the signal at the street and your good tog go.  Internet fails days after visit.

3rd tech ran new cable from the street to the house and removed the internet line from the signal booster installed by Cox.  Said all is good to go and internet stayed up.

4th tech came by because internet was slow sometimes and we has bad signal on some channels.  He says line signal coming in is good, can't use non-cox splitters / cabels or no service, PC TV Tuner adding noise to line and placed filter on device.  Left again saying all is well. 

2 weeks later there is a local outage.  1 week after that  realize I didn't get my bill cause Cox put me on paperless by default.  Contested charges for visits for the fact that their internet service failing is not my problem when all devices, cables, splitters are FCC compliant and thus not the real issue.  Cox rep tried to sell me some $4 per month charge to cover service calls.  I refused to allow a monoply charge me more money. 

The next day at 1am internet fails again.and has now been out for almost 48 hours.  Tech on phone says modem is good and it is a connection problem.  Makes 5th appointment for tech visit.  I call Cox when I get home from work and first tech tried to tell me it is a wiring problem in my house and that I need a new modem.  I told that tech to *** off and that i am not stupid.  Asked for a supervisor and one could not be produced.


  • Terse's avatar
    New Contributor

    So now tech says, and I quote, "The last tech changed all the wires and connections and it problably helped your bugged modem along to failing.  You need a new modem".

    The tech used an old 2.0 modem to connect and suggested I use a motorla or cisco modem.  After reading all the ** here, I will try the Cisco modem.


    More proof that COX has no *** clue how to make 3.0 work effectively outside of Cisco.

    I won't be suprised if this modem is  some how "Buggy".

  • ChrisL's avatar
    Former Moderator

    As long as the modem is on our approved list it should be ok.  It sounds like there's an intermittent signal issue of some sort there affecting the connection.  If the modem is powered via a heavily populated power strip of some sort it might be worth trying to power it from another electrical circuit to see if too many devices on a single circuit could be a factor.

  • Good luck to you, Terse.  Get off Cox if you can.  It's a pain to change providers, but I just got CenturyLink phone+DSL connected (actually motivated by disturbingly awful customer service experience w/ digital phone) here in Phoenix.  I still have Cox connected until DirecTV gets here next week, so I have two broadband services running right now - and whoa.  Speed tests on multiple sites and tools are disturbing (19M down, 4.5M up on CenturyLink vs. 5M down and 3.5M up on Cox).  The kicker is that Cox charges me 54/mo for "Preferred" internet (a rate that has gone steadily up year after year) while CenturyLink charges me 30/mo first 12mos and 60/mo the next 12mos.  So, price-wise, it's roughly the same... 

    Of course, the major difference is that Cox claims "up to 18M" down and 5M up... while CenturyLink claims 20M down and 5M up - so we're talking Cox delivering 30% of advertised max vs. 90% for CenturyLink.

    No utility is likely to be a fun customer experience, but Cox has gone down hill for several years now, and is only getting  worse... Try to e-mail support sometime... Include more than two pieces of info and see if they convince you that they actually read you messages...

    Good luck.

  • Janell's avatar
    New Contributor

    COX  e-mail is a total joke lately--long wait if it works at all.   I'm in Las Vegas so this is not a bad weather E. Coast problem or an O C problem. It's very widespread.  They have lousy equipment.  It's the worst I've seen it since 2008 .

  • ChrisL's avatar
    Former Moderator

    Hi Janell,

    What sorts of email issues are you experiencing?

  • Forgotten's avatar
    New Contributor

    Sorry you had that trouble with Cox Terse, but i'm glad to know i'm not the only one!!!

    I also am on my 4th tech visit... Here is my story from another post...

    Although Cox hasnt increased my rates too much YET! I also feel like some of the Cox employee's dont care... I called since last month (February) to let Cox know that I was moving and that I needed my new address established. I was quickly called back in a couple of days and was told that my address was taken care of and now in their system, a work order would be entered and someone would call to make an appointment to come out to my house to set up my internet service. After a few days of no one calling, I called and set up an appointment and on 3/5 someone came out to my house, I was told that the first part of the work order was not complete, that I would have to schedule another appointment, so we rescheduled for 3/9.. on 3/9 a technician came out again and told me that the first part of the work order wasnt done and that I would have to reschedule, so we rescheduled for 3/12, on 3/12 the same thing happened again, which i'm not blaming the technician, if the first part isnt done, I understand that he can not complete his part, BUT Thats 3 days of missing work for ME!!! So called COX again to see what was going on and was FINALLY told that a move can take anywhere from 30-45 days which NO ONE in my 5 phone calls to cox had ever mentioned to me and that I would just have to be patient because she was unable to tell me when my work order was put in or how much longer I had to wait. I have a full time job and college work to complete... HOW MUCH LONGER DO I NEED TO WAIT??? I'd rather give my business to someone who appreciates their customers.

     ... A 4th guy came out from Cox sunday and informed me again that the first part of my work order was not done... Which was no suprise to me!

    The suprise was that I wasnt even told that I had an appointment with Cox for Sunday afternoon, so the poor guy came out to my house for nothing anyway because I was no where near my house to even let him in to do the inside part of the job even if the outside was complete... As like the last 3 technicians told me "i'll get with my supervisor" So I told him that if its not complete in 2 weeks, i'm giving my business to another company, this has been going on for almost a month and a half now.

  • ChrisL's avatar
    Former Moderator

    Please check your PMs, I'd like to get more information regarding your situation.