Forum Discussion

Richard_Tomson_'s avatar
New Contributor
10 years ago

Connection to XO in San Diego

I use to have a solid and fast connection to XO in San Diego. Something has changed in the last month or so and the connection now goes via San Jose over to Level 3 and then back down to XO. My latency has consequentially gone from <20ms to over 50+. I would like to know if the change in connection to XO is a temporary thing or if that is a permanent change in Cox's peering arrangements. I am a Cox San Diego customer. Please let me know the answer so I can plan accordingly.

7 Replies

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  • Hi Richard, please run a speed test and post the results so we can review them. If you are wireless, please do the speed test as a wired connection also. Login to the Cox website with your primary userid and password: 
  •  Your Results

    Your IP
    Cox Market
    Thu Oct 23 11:41 PM Yes 63 Mbps 16 Mbps 20 millisec San Diego

    This only tests inside of COX, the issue is with the interconnections. Something changed on the handoffs, in particular with XO. Were there any changes in the last few months that removed connections in San Diego? Also I don't know how the system is programmed on the traffic shaping but I can NEVER get 16Mbps up ever. I just tried to upload a 700MB file and it capped at 5Mbps. That I can live with, but please let me know about the XO handoff and what changed. Thanks, Rich.

  • Health_Edge's avatar
    Valued Contributor III

    Can you post a tracert to show this change? Routing is dictated by a lot of things and can't be changed for a single user.

  • So you can see, we are going to Cox SD -> Cox San Jose and then via Level 3. I would still like to know what happened to

    the direct connect to XO. And yes having helped start fund and operate 3 Internet Service Providers in

    the last 30 years I fully understand routing can't be changed just for me. I would just like to know what did change

    and why the previous connection no longer exists. Reverse traceroute shows the same path via San Jose.

    traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 60 byte packets
     1 ( [AS65534]  1.174 ms  1.413 ms  1.686 ms
     2  * * *
     3 ( [AS22773]  13.340 ms  13.371 ms  13.347 ms
     4  * * *
     5 ( [AS22773]  15.248 ms  15.224 ms  15.185 ms
     6 ( [AS22773]  28.039 ms  26.838 ms  27.790 ms
     7 ( [AS3356]  32.358 ms ( [AS3356]  38.748 ms ( [AS3356]  54.072 ms
     8 ( [AS3356]  28.702 ms ( [AS3356]  28.673 ms ( [AS3356]  34.048 ms
     9 ( [AS3356]  27.035 ms  27.606 ms  24.362 ms
    10 ( [AS2828]  42.373 ms  41.998 ms  41.966 ms
    11 ( [AS2828]  44.967 ms  44.395 ms  44.488 ms
    12 ( [AS2828]  37.549 ms  35.760 ms  35.508 ms
    13 ( [AS2828]  36.391 ms  36.098 ms  40.089 ms

  • Health_Edge's avatar
    Valued Contributor III

    Maybe a Moderator might be able to say, but I some how doubt it. You would need to get on contact with one of the local engineers.

    Is this a normal cable modem connection or something Cox Business? The first hop confuses me. 

  • Maybe one will chime in if they know what happened with the connection. The first hop is internal to my

    network so you can ignore that and the second hop is hitting my firewall which will not respond so it can

    be ignored also. Running through the historical BGP table entries to see if I can pinpoint the day of the change.

  • EdwardH's avatar
    Valued Contributor
    Being the routing can changed for a number of reasons and on both sides, it is hard to say, though all changes are never permanent and generally are pretty fluid outside of internal things dealing with our site, so if there are issues showing with speeds to a server/site it should only be temporary. It seems like based on the trace route that XO uses level 3 as well in its connection so it may be do to load balancing that it routed to San Jose, not knowing how it was going before you noticed the sluggishness. 