Forum Discussion

jcnokc's avatar
New Contributor
11 years ago

McaFee Site Advisor not working right for about 2 weeks.

This seemed to happen after a Windows Update. The SA icons are not displayed. Is anyone else having this problem ? I have been through all the usual hoops. Restore . uninstall and reinstall. This seems to be a problem Mcafee has with Windows. After many wasted hours I just stopped doing anything about it. The icons would reappear then disappear. Thanks
  • jcnokc's avatar
    New Contributor
    Thanks for your reply. Here is the deal . I have been in contact with that number. I have uninstalled and reinstalled a new mcafee account twice to no result. I have done a system restore twice. ( take hours) blah blah blah I have spent almost 3 hrs on the phone with tech support.... no solution Fast forward. This morning I go tools/manage add ons and disable the new mcafee secure search and lo and behold the SiteAdvisor icons reappear and the SA green toolbar with green check icon reappears. So this is a problem the Mcafee created there is a conflict between Secure Search and Site Advisor.