Forum Discussion

AZrob's avatar
New Contributor III
12 years ago

Cannot receive emails via IMAP on Mac Mini's Mail (Apple Mail)


The other day I switched from POP to IMAP protocol on my Mac and my iPhone. On my iPhone I can send and receive email just fine, but on the Mac, I can only send. No emails will arrive - I can just sit and wait and nothing comes in.

There is a workaround: if I i disable then re-enable the mail account, any mails that are waiting to come to me will show up. I can also stop and start email itself and the waiting emails will show up. But if I just set up email to query every minute, or if I push the Send/Receive button, nothing arrives.

I called COX and had all my settings checked out. They said it was a problem with Apple because the iPhone works but the Mac does not. However, then I bought another brand new Mac, same exact model (Mac Mini), and the first thing I did was configure Mail for IMAP - same result.

I called Apple and managed to get someone in high-level Mail Support. They immediately recognized the issue: they said that the way Cox has implemented IMAP, there is a problem on their side with the "push" functionality. It doesn't work yet with all platforms. The reason it works with the iPhone and not the Mac has to do with the fact that each is connected to the Cox mail server in a different way. The iPhone way works, the Mac way does not. 

Apple said that Cox has acknowledged the problem and they are working with them, on a high-level developer/engineer level. to resolve the problem. 

If Cox had had IMAP in operation for a year, I would find this not so believable - but I know that it's only been a few weeks, and rollouts always have issues. I believe that Apple is correct when they say this is a COX rollout issue.

What I would like to hear from COX is some announcement recognizing this problem and an ETA for when it will be fixed. Could someone respond to that please?

And please don't tell me this hasn't been reported as an issue, as other Tier 1 reps have told me. It may not be on the radar for the people who work the front lines, but this obviously is an issue that needs to be addressed.  It's only been a few weeks, and since we are only talking about Mac users, it's possible this has not gotten enough attention to be announced to the Tier 1 reps. It IS a problem.

Thanks in advance,

Rob from AZ

  • Okay, so I called Apple about this latest development and this is what the representative told me (paraphrasing):

    "Apple acknowledges there is a problem and they have narrowed it down to "just a few" providers - not just Cox. The engineers are aware of this issue and they are looking into it. We no longer report this issue to them because they are already working on it."

    I asked, does this mean that Apple is attempting to fix the problem, that it is not just a case of "it's the providers' fault and we can't fix it"?  The representative said "Yes". 

    So, take that for whatever it's worth. After all, I was told last summer that "the engineers are looking into it" and nothing came back but fingerpointing at Cox. So let's hope that what I was told is in fact the case, that they are looking into it again with the intention of fixing it.
