Forum Discussion

ScubaTeeb's avatar
New Contributor
9 years ago

Why does my McAfee Firewall keep turning itself off?

Ok, before I get started on a venting rant, here is the skinny. I run Windows 8, I have had Cox Security Suite downloaded for over 5 years. Starting about a year ago, the firewall started randomly turning itself off. I have flashed the computer back to factory, reloaded CSS and only CSS, and it still does the same thing. I can be on the computer for 30 seconds, and I get a warning that the Firewall is turned off. I turn the Firewall back on, and it could be a minute, 6 hours, or anywhere in between and I will get the message again, "Your Computer May Be At Risk" due to the fact that the Firewall has turned itself off yet again. 

Could anyone actually give me assistance on here regarding this? I have called Cox, McAfee, Cox again, McAfee again, Cox, McAfee, Cox, McAfee (do you see a pattern forming?) I am not going to call anymore. From this point, I am completely disgusted with the fact that I have been trying to correct this issue for over a year and cannot get the information that I need. Hundreds of other people are having the same issue, yet the Cox rep said, "That's very unusual. Try downloading this free malware checker." When I refused, she said call McAfee. I JUST FACTORY RESET MY LAPTOP!!! Sorry about that, but my frustration level is maxed out at the moment. 

In three days, I am going to contact Cox one last time, but not for nonTech Support, but to disconnect my services. The only reason that Cox is a cost effective internet solution is because of the equipment rental and free Internet Security applications. If these are not working, I have to find an alternative. If that alternative costs me any additional money, then Cox is no longer a cost effective option. 

  • Tecknowhelp's avatar
    Valued Contributor II

    Do you have any other symptoms of malware? Slow PC? Popups? Why did you refuse to run malware checker?

    Also, any particular reason you use CSS? Mcafee is not a favored product in the AV world. Main reason people use it is because Mcafee pays companies, including Cox, to offer their software. Would you consider Avast or AVG(also free)?

    What was the purpose of this post? Did you want to troubleshoot, or are you just saying your leaving. If so.... why?

  • AllenP's avatar
    Valued Contributor

    Even though Cox supplies it, it's a McAfee product and they supply support.  You should be disgusted with McAfee, not Cox, they are only the middleman.  There are many other forum posts, not from Cox customers, asking about this problem.

    I, personally, wouldn't select an isp because they gave me McAfee for free, IMHO, it's not worth the price.  Free antivirus is available from companies like AVAST and AVG.  Also Comodo provides a very good free firewall.  Maybe it's time to move on from McAfee, IMHO, a year too late, and try something else.  No way would I reinstall the OS on my computer just trying to get McAfee to work.

  • ScubaTeeb's avatar
    New Contributor

    I have no symptoms of malware. My computer runs fine, no pop ups, and no unwarranted issues with the exception of my firewall shutting off. I will refuse to download something that an Tech Support rep tells me to if they have not even attempted to look at their software first. When I call in, and they do not ask me one question about the settings, but instead want to instantly go to try to blame something else, I have issues with that. Take a few seconds, check basic settings, and then move on to possible other causes. Additionally, I literally had just restored by PC post flash, there was not an opportunity for malware prior to McAfee install. 

    I want to get the problem fixed, but have not been able to get any issues resolved. The reason that I use the ISP antivirus and firewall protection is a financial one. I used to work for Cox, and I know their policies like the back of my hand. Any damage done to your equipment while using their products and/or services correctly is fully compensated by the company. I have replaced many computers and TV's while I worked for the company due to damage done by surges, viruses, etc. 

  • Tecknowhelp's avatar
    Valued Contributor II

    ScubaTeeb said:
    . The reason that I use the ISP antivirus and firewall protection is a financial one.

    Why? Other, better, AV's are also free.

    ScubaTeeb said:
    I used to work for Cox, and I know their policies like the back of my hand

    I did too. I used to work for Cox Tech Solutions, and people would PAY me to uninstall Cox's Mcafee on PC and put decent AV's on them. We also made it a rule to never install Mcafee unless the customer demanded it. If you worked for Cox, then you should know Mcafee is junk. The only reason Cox uses is it is because Mcafee gives Cox money. Since then Cox outsourced CTS to Plumchoice and have the technical ability of Walmart clerks.

    ScubaTeeb said:
    Any damage done to your equipment while using their products and/or services correctly is fully compensated by the company.

    Not in my experiences. See above. If Mcafee got infected, Cox would send people over to CTS to pay for malware removal.  A power surge is different then software issues.  

  • AllenP's avatar
    Valued Contributor

    ScubaTeeb said:

     I literally had just restored by PC post flash, there was not an opportunity for malware prior to McAfee install. 

    What is a "PC post flash"?  Did you flash a BIOS update or a firmware update to a drive?  Or did you just re-install Windows?  If so, did you use an OEM restore disk or a fresh install direct from MS?  If you restored from something like a Dell or HP restore disk, there could be an OEM bloatware AV/firewall installed as part of the restore.  That could cause conflicts with your install of CSS by McAfee.  Just guessing as I can't tell much about your issue from either of your rants except "your firewall is shutting off".

  • ChrisL's avatar
    Former Moderator

    Acutally calling our McAfee support line would be the best option to try and get this resolved as how our Internet support team is not equipped to handle support questions for this product.  They can be reached by calling 888-556-0959.

  • Tecknowhelp's avatar
    Valued Contributor II

    ChrisL said:
    Acutally calling our McAfee support line

    You do know that Mcafee upsells to THEIR paid for support for anything but the most basic troubleshooting right? Basically they have you run their troubleshooting wizard and if that doesn't work they want money. Sending someone to Mcafee for malware is taking money from Cox and giving it to Mcafee. You sure that's what Cox suggests?

    "I was unable to load my McAfee security product. While on the McAfee download site I engaged McAfee Technical Support. They were unable to download the product. After a free analysis, they claimed that my computer had multiple problems and for $129 they would repair my computer. "

    See other reviews here.

  • ChrisL's avatar
    Former Moderator

    I can't say I've tried calling myself however that number is dedicated for Cox customer use.  The McAfee retail support I understand is a paid service.