Forum Discussion

oklajohn's avatar
New Contributor II
10 years ago

Low Hanging Cox Lines

Since the ice storm last week, I have very low hanging Cox lines behind my house.  All services are working fine - Internet, Phone, TV, and Home Security.  It just concerns me that the Cox lines are at about a 5 to 6 ft level above the ground and seems to run lower than that  as it goes East.  I have called Cox and been told there is a "ticket" issued, but I am concerned that  high winds or another ice storm (God forbid) should come, these lines are subject to going down.  I was without power for 6 days last week due to lines down from limbs. These lines are not in my back yard, but they do service my residence.   I probably am just running "scared" but would like to know if I SHOULD be concerned about this.  And, if so, what can I do about it  other than report it again?   Appreciate any input anyone can provide.  Thanks.