Forum Discussion
The Perks to Updating Your Plan
- How does a "new customer" update a plan?
Existing and new customers now enjoy the same everyday pricing on TV service.
- This reads like Cox is eliminating promotional deals for new customers.
One Contour box is included in your TV package price.
- This begs the question: "What is a TV package?"
- On my statement, it could either be Contour TV or Total TV
- My Contour TV includes: Starter, Preferred, Advanced and Contour Guide
- Total TV tallies everything including the $10 rental for 1 Contour Box
My guess is there's now 1 set price for 1 Contour Box with, and depending on, your combination of services (Starter, Preferred, Advanced)...for all subscribers.
This set price includes the rental fee for 1 Box. If you add a 2nd box, it'll probably fall under a different header, such as Additional Equipment Rental or Other TV Fees and Surcharges.
Cox will not give-up charging at least $10 from every cable-TV subscriber.
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