3 months agoNew Contributor II
Live delay
So just watched New Year’s Eve countdown. Problem is that Cox is 30 seconds behind the actual time.
Hi, lisa123 Here's a little mystery. I received an email notification that you marked my reply above as a solution. Thank you for that. However, as you can see, the reply isn't marked now. I also received an email notification that GregP1 marked it as a solution, but his email was received last. This makes me wonder if an email notification is sent each time that indicator is changed, on or off. Since GregP1's email was received last, I have to wonder, GregP1 did you unmark the reply? Are you mad about something?
I wonder if this is related to my question to another moderator why they marked a post they made in a post I created as a solution, when it's not. IMO moderators should have no control over what is marked as a solution. That should be up to the OP ONLY. Seems some moderators are silently upset about that. I think "solutions" help in the moderator's metrics somehow. There also doesn't seem to be much oversite on what the moderators do. They say they have supervisors, but there is no way to contact them. This is disturbing as SOMEONE has gone into the system at least twice and deleted mass amounts of posts. Either Cox has a hacker, or one of their moderators is doing things they shouldn't.
If solution count is a factor in each moderator's evaluation, then the person doing the evaluating should take the time to select that moderator's profile and select "Solutions". They should review each one that occurred during the review period to determine if an actual solution was provided. For some moderators, the "solution" is frequently nothing more than the standard suggestion to email them. I wouldn't consider that a solution. OPs should unmark it, but they don't because they don't realize they can or they're afraid someone will get mad and not help them.
I think the "Solutions" marked on someone's account are the posts they made that were marked as solutions, NOT what posts they have marked as a solution. So it will help with the moderators marking their own posts as solutions, but not what they have marked as a solution in general.
As for asking people to email them, I think that is a separate problem. It makes sense if the user is asking a question related to their account, billing, or something else not technical. Or if it's a technical issue that the moderator want's to look at in their tools. However I think Cox would rather have EVERYONE email them instead of posting here because Cox want's as few problems posted publicly as possible. Basically it's them trying to control Cox's PR. What I don't get is how some moderators are able to look up a user's Cox account by their forum info, but some can't. I don't know if only some moderators have the tools/training to do it, or it only works when the user uses a account to register. Either way, I think the moderators should use that method to look at the person's account rather then asking them to email Cox. Not only is emailing PII info over email a security concern(and not allowed when I worked there) but it's faster and keeps the thread on track. Taking the conversation offline keeps other people from finding the solution if they had a similar problem.
Hi - I initially clicked the thumbs up icon to indicate I liked your post. Then I got a notification that my question had a solution. Needless to say that was incorrect and confusing. I have no idea how to mark something as a solution and did not think that liking a response would trigger your response as a solution.
A moderator then answered my question but did not provide a solution.
I appreciate you responding and really wish Cox would provide a real solution and not just an explanation.
I think the answer to your question is the delay is inherent in the system. Hasn't it been the way it is for a long time?
Yes you are correct. I had inquired about it years ago - I asked again in the event there was a solution I wasn’t aware of. Apparently there isn’t one. Very frustrating when watching live sports especially.
Hmm. The mystery continues. Only you or a moderator can mark a reply in this discussion as a solution. The email notification got confused because I received two email notifications from you with the subject "Your solution has been accepted on Cox Community" and one from a moderator.
I haven't published a new discussion lately, but I think as original poster, you see "Mark as solution" (or something like that) below each reply in this discussion. Marking a post as a solution and liking the post are independent of each other.
As for an actual solution to the live delay, I'm not optimistic. The issue has existed for over three years now. I doubt Cox even considers it to be an open issue.