Forum Discussion

JDNett's avatar
New Contributor
3 years ago

LG TV and Contour Sports App

I just replaced my Cox equipment hoping it would help this problem, but I still have it.  When I click the C button on my Cox remote, sometimes, too many times, the sports app doesn't launch but just sits there and the 3 dots keep showing.  I can close it, change channels a few times and then click the C button again, and then it might work correctly.  Does anyone have a reason as to why the Sports App doesn't launch every time?

  • Bruce's avatar
    Honored Contributor III

    It would have nothing to do with the brand of TV.  The Sports app gets its data from the Internet, so your cable-box must have a slow connection.

    Is your cable-box behind a coaxial splitter?

    Do you have the wireless cable-box?

    • JDNett's avatar
      New Contributor

      We had a new cable line run from the outside connection to the tv location so there should be no coaxial splitter.  And yes, we have the wireless cable-box.

      • Bruce's avatar
        Honored Contributor III

        When you swapped your equipment, did this include the Panoramic?  How is the Panoramic connection to your other equipment?