is this the take a beating from cox forum? If so then this is the place for me
My bill constantly goes up with no changes in service.
After 20+ years as a cox customer its like the is no stop to monthly charge increases. At what point do you just say enough is enough.
They offer to lower my cost until I get bare bones strip down everything then tell me its part of your new service offering where you get a crazy car like payments every month for the lowest offering of services. Then you go and look at offerings for new customer and makes me wonder if I should just cancel cox and then re-sign up again.
Have major TV issues and told to drive 20 miles to our cox customer location and see if you can find anyone who cares about your issues there. Bring you 5 year old equipment and if we find no issues, we might swap it out for a reasonable charge. So let me get this right, your 5+ year old equipment I pay $260 a month for is starting to have issues and I am to drive 20 miles from middle of downtown and pay you for new equipment so I can watch TV???
This what you do to 20+ year customers?? So at what $$ a month rate do I actually get in home service for? $500 a month for TV and internet??