Get RID of these 'supplement' fees that are bilking us as customers ..
why are we still being extorted for that OFFENSIVE "sports Supplement" monthly when (like so many others) I can NOT AFFORD your 'sports programming' in the first place? Why am I paying for NOTHING At all .. for months .. when in fact, there is NO desire for sports channels here at all? I am SICK And TIRED of these 'supplemental' Fees that add up to hundreds of dollars wasted for absolutely nothing at all. GET RID of this .. (it's another reason why Cox is hated .. and yes, I've asked this question to customer service on-line and on the phone and still have NO answer as to why we are charged this in the first place!) I have ZERO interest in sports .. get RID of this .. (it would be entirely fair if this 'supplement' only applied to those with sports subscriptions -- not to everyone!)