Forum Discussion

johnptd's avatar
New Contributor II
7 years ago

Cox Ad or Announcement Breaking Into Programs

For the last several weeks, shows I have been watching have been interrupted by a Cox ad or announcement basically saying "For support or to activate services, call" and it gives numbers for residential customers and another for business. This lasts maybe thirty seconds to a minute and wipes out whatever show I am watching. It does not matter what channel I am watching at the time, it can happen anywhere. How can this be stopped!!!



  • Andrew_Wees's avatar
    Contributor III

    maybe there is something wrong with your box hooked up to the tv?  have you tried calling the phone number?

  • Bruce's avatar
    Honored Contributor III

    How often does it occur?  I occasionally get something like it.  A show will stop, audio will cutout and a warning appears on screen.  From memory, it'll read, "You're not subscribed to this channel [whatever channel].  To subscribe to this channel call..."

    I complained about 5 years ago and a contributor said it's our boxes syncing with the head-end.  Cox apparently does a LOT of syncing and it's very annoying.

  • Hi Johnptd, are you referring to a Cox commercial? It sounds similar to what is called commercial clipping. Commercial clipping occurs when local commercials are inserted into predetermined time slots in place of national network ads. Usually this insertion is seamless, but occasionally the timing isn’t exactly right. We have a team that addresses issues of commercial clipping so we can adjust the ad timing. Whenever you see instances of commercials cutting off or overlapping, feel free to email my team at Please include the date and time the clipping occurred, the channel number, your city and state, and a brief description of the 2 overlapping commercials. We'll forward your report to our video engineers and have them adjust the timing for this particular commercial. -Becky, Cox Support Forums Moderator
    • johnptd's avatar
      New Contributor II

      I have submitted an e-mail with requested info to



    • Andrew_Wees's avatar
      Contributor III

      to add to this  Omaha just had our weekly EAS test and when was over the Tivo's showed a screen with subscription info.