Forum Discussion

ChipotleDenied's avatar
New Contributor
6 years ago

Cable Video On Demand Temporarily Unavailable V205 (408) with Tivo Bolt

For many days now I have been unable to watch any VOD, I get this error: Cable Video On Demand Temporarily Unavailable V205 with 408 in the corner. Doesn't matter which show. I finally called tech support, they rolled a unit and checked all of my connections. We spent hours, some of it on the phone with Tivo. We replaced the cable card. Now the ticket is escalated to the back office and I am awaiting a resolution. Tivo says that it's not their problem because I'm able to browse and select shows, the problem arises when the app tries to retrieve the show from a server.

Is anyone else with a Tivo Bolt having this problem or am I the only one? I have to think this is global. There are threads about a similar thing from 2 years ago, but nothing recent.

  • Hi ChipotleDenied, the V205 (4xx) error codes normally indicate a problem on the Cox server. Your escalation ticket has been routed appropriately. Once our video administrators have resolved the back-end issue, you will receive a phone call. I'll keep an eye on the ticket and update you as soon as possible. -Becky, Cox Support Forums Moderator
    • azbwilcox's avatar
      New Contributor


      We are in Phoenix and experiencing the same VOD problem with our TIVO Roamio same error codes as above. How can we get a similar ticket for our issue without having to go through the time extensive troubleshooting? This problem had been intermittent for weeks but now we see 100% failure. 


      • Becky's avatar
        Hi Azbwilcox, I reviewed your account to ensure that you meet all the requirements for On Demand for TiVo and that no troubleshooting steps have been overlooked. I then submitted an escalation ticket on your behalf. I'm not sure if the video administrators work on Sundays, so it might be Monday before we have an update for you. Thanks for your post! -Becky, Cox Support Forums Moderator