Forum Discussion

DR__KNOW's avatar
New Contributor
5 years ago

With COVID-19 pandemic Cox needs to step up and provide more Free Movies in On Demand for our viewing pleasure. Seems like every good movie I want to watch cost $$$. Where is Cox when we need you?

With COVID-19 pandemic, Cox needs to step up and provide more Free Movies in On Demand for our viewing pleasure. Seems like every good movie I want to watch costs $$$. Where is Cox when we need you?

  • p_pham's avatar
    New Contributor III

    theyre too busy collecting money from new customers who are now stay at home

    • elliwigy's avatar
      New Contributor III

      i mean providing vital service to new customers forced to work at home is a lot more noble than worrying about giving people free movies lol.

      • p_pham's avatar
        New Contributor III

        so noble that people who are paying for a certain plan like me paying for 150Mbps, and is only getting 10-20 or sometimes less than 10 Mbps... more like vultures