Forum Discussion

dtimler24's avatar
New Contributor
6 months ago

Way overpriced for what you get

I don’t know how many people are having the same issues with Cox Internet that I am. I came from Ohio to San Diego last year. Unfortunately spectrum is not available in my area so I’m stuck with Cox Internet. I’m paying more Internet than I was paying back in Ohio getting a quarter of the speed constantly dropping signal I use my cell phone service way more than I ever have even in my own home. I honestly haven’t had this much issues with Internet since the days of AOL at best coxes a $20 value for what I’m getting here. It’s not even limited. This is a shameful company if I had another choice, I would take it in an instant. I don’t like to complain, but I’ve had enough of it. I’m running all my cell phones and tablets off my cellular data because my Internet here is so unreliable.

  • Yeahno's avatar
    New Contributor

    It’s horrific . They say it’s you , then when it’s not you they want to charge you for a technician to confirm it’s not you .flaps all the time. Terrible service and will be moving to starlink . I wouldn’t even take t mobil if I could for internet . I don’t understand how casinos / hotels have great wifi and we have 💩. 

  • Jayefbee's avatar
    New Contributor II

    I would like to know if ANYONE in this channel or thread has an e-mail address to a VP of Customer Service for Cox Communications.  I am convinced that the customer service agents are trained at a North Korean training camp in indoctrinated responses.  Every year our bill jumps 20-30% and I have to go through the "Ground Hog Day" nightmare of re-living a conversation with Customer Service to get our bill down to something I am not so ashamed of that I would hate for my father or late Grandfather to know what we were paying for with "nothing to show for the cost."  $3K per year is ludicrous for vapor. 

    Seriously, I would like an e-mail address.  Tonight's Ground-Hog Day did not end was one of the painful suicide scenes.  I had multiple agents back-to-back who would not listen to my questions and kept trying to upsell me on what I didn't need when I was trying to get my bill down.  I was finally transferred to a "Supervisor" in "Customer Loyalty" who was going to look for a package and discount.  Same thing, not listening.  When he finally mentioned a rate that we could live with, I was trying to ask him a question about the package to have clarity...he delayed and delayed.  "Sorry, that offer has now expired."   "What?"  "The offer expired while I was waiting for you to answer a question about what was in the package?" 

    I am a senior, a Veteran, and a former First Responder.  My wife is a retired educator.   Cox offers no discounts or loyalty programs.  Sadly, we have been building up the Cox corporate bottom line for 35+ years.  We pay for 150 channels but watch less than a dozen.  Why can the not establish an "Ala Carte" channel lineup?  I do want to let those in corporate customer service understand how their lack of good customer service has pushed me over the edge.  As soon as AT&T Fiber is in our neighborhood, I will be removing the Cox cable out of my house and yardI don't want anyone at this address to ever again use Cox.  The Cox "can" (utility box) for our neighborhood is also in our backyard.  I am thinking about putting in a garden that may require roto-tilling the soil. (Just saying...) 😲

    Since Cox requires state approved public-right-of-way as a utility, I wonder when our legislators last looked at the licensing authority extended to Cox and any quality control measures established.  Maybe a call to the Corporation Commission.  

    Any thoughts?

    For anyone in business, this is what happens from poor customer service.  It costs 12 times to attract a new customer compared to the costs of retention.  Studies show that when a customer is lost from poor customer service, they will communicate the experience within their sphere of influence at least 7 times within the first 24 hours.  I thought I would get a jump on things.

    • Jayefbee's avatar
      New Contributor II

      Footnote:  I saved a copy of the Chat thread to demonstrate the TERRIBLE Customer Service skills of those working Cox Chat.  

      • LatitiaS's avatar


        Customer service is very important to us. We value you and want you to have a positive experience with us.  Would you allow me an opportunity to address each of your concerns?  If I may, please reach out to us on Twitter at @CoxHelp, visit us on Facebook, or email at  Be sure to send your full name and address.  I'd love to help.   

        Cox Support Forums Moderator 

  • dtimler24  Sorry to hear that you're having so much trouble with our Internet service.  I'd like to help.  Please send me an email at and include your full name and address so I can take a look and see what's happening.  Thanks!  

  • I asked for customer service but they refused to help, lied about resetting my modem, tried to charge me $75 for a technician, and then tried to upsell me on internet when mine wasnt working. They also refused to let me speak to the supervisor. Then, they said they'd be able to reset my modem and fix it if I agreed to a $35/month upcharge for faster internet. I told them no that was extortion and I wasn't having it. They said good luck. Fun fact you can reset your modem from their end yourself through the app. Do not contact customer service.

    • StephanieS's avatar

      UnepochalWynnea  I'm sorry to hear that this was your experience.  I'd be more than happy to help if you're still having trouble.  Please send me an email at and include your full name and address.  Thanks!  

  • I agree. Internet has gone down twice just this week! Very unstable and I was shocked that last time we had an outage I was charged for a technician to visit!! 

    I’ve already canceled my Cox cable, I guess it’s now time to search for a new internet service.

    • StephanieS's avatar

      debbymcd760  Sorry to hear that there have been outages affecting your area.  I'd like to take a look at your account and see what's happening.  Please send me an email at and include your full name, address and a link to this forums post.  

  • Darkatt's avatar
    Honored Contributor

    If you would like assistance in troubleshooting and assessing what is happening I will be glad to help. What modem/router are you using and do you have a device connected via ethernet. 

    Setup correctly, Cox internet runs extremely well, and with the exception of a recent outage where upgrades were being done overnight, I have been extremely pleased with my Internet from Cox, which I have had for over 25 years. 

    I am on the 500 down/50 up running the test using opera browser on Ethernet. Netgear CM2000 modem and RAXE300 router - 

    And run from Googlefiber - 

    PING 14 ms

    JITTER 1 ms

    DOWNLOAD 600.2 Mbps

    UPLOAD 57.7 Mbps