In recent years, two homeowners in our Orange County, California sub-HOA have been told by Cox that the cable from within their condo unit to the cable access point by the street outdoors is bad. In both cases, Cox has not offered to replace the defective cable at any price, nor offered any names of other companies interested in doing such work, merely suggesting an electrician be hired. Having checked with various local electricians, I have not yet found any who have ever run a coax cable from outdoors into an indoor entry point; only a suggestion that Cox sometimes uses subcontractors for such work, so there must be someone with such experience.
I'm mystified that Cox doesn't want to do such work itself, both for the profit of charging the affected homeowner for the work, and for the assurance that all such work is done up to its preferred standards.
Has anyone ever found a company with experience and expertise in pulling a new outdoor cable to replace a failing cable? Seems like it should be a simple matter of tying the correct new cable to the existing one and pulling it through existing conduit, using the existing cable as a pull rope, but what do I know?