Forum Discussion

TBJ's avatar
New Contributor
4 years ago

Tech fees?!

Dose anyone else think it's a bit of a scam for cox to charge you for a tech to come out and fix an issue that your already paying service for. I'm already paying them $X for internet service that they haven't been able to provide me for almost 2 weeks. And now on top of paying for internet service, that I'm not getting, I have to pay a tech to come out and fix an issue that I have no control over.

Not only that, but I also had to talk to about 5 other people before one of them was smart enough to realize a tech was needed to be sent.

  • It depends on the issue.  There's a demarcation point on your house (Network Interface Device) and everything on the street-side of the demarc is Cox's responsibility.  Everything on the house-side of the demarc is your responsibility.  Meaning, you'll pay.

    If you call Cox and the reps says "everything is fine on our end so we'll send a tech," this is an indicator they'll charge you to troubleshoot your problem.  However, the Forum could help troubleshoot.

    If you rent a modem and the tech swapped it, this should have been free.

    Yeah...calling is always hit-or-miss.  Sending an email would have been better.

    What did the tech do to resolve your problem?

  • Bruce's avatar
    Honored Contributor III

    It depends on the issue.  There's a demarcation point on your house (Network Interface Device) and everything on the street-side of the demarc is Cox's responsibility.  Everything on the house-side of the demarc is your responsibility.  Meaning, you'll pay.

    If you call Cox and the reps says "everything is fine on our end so we'll send a tech," this is an indicator they'll charge you to troubleshoot your problem.  However, the Forum could help troubleshoot.

    If you rent a modem and the tech swapped it, this should have been free.

    Yeah...calling is always hit-or-miss.  Sending an email would have been better.

    What did the tech do to resolve your problem?

    • TBJ's avatar
      New Contributor

      I thought I sent a reply but I guess not. So someone was working on the pole infront of my drive way the same day my internet went out. And so being the logical person I am put the two together and figured, oh that's where my issue is. So after talking to 5 people, trying to get them to think past there pre-scriped cards, one set up an appointment for a tech, tech comes out and lo and behold my line was disconnected AT the pole. So the tech reattached my line at the pole and what do you know, I have internet.