Service keeps getting worse
After going through a bad situation a while ago (ref:, my service is still completely dying at random times - modem either hard-resets itself, or it freezes until I power-cycle it - and now even field supervisors don't show up for appointments. While on the phone with another supervisor, my new modem reset itself, just like the previous 2 did (both with WiFi). What was really interesting was while this was happening, my cell phone connection to the supervisor became so garbled that I couldn't understand her...until the Internet modem completed its reset.
How is this even possible??? Cox Mobile has nothing to do with Cox Internet/Voice, so how this happened at the exact same time is beyond me. Is it even remotely possible that my downgrading of all my Cox services has caused this; one supervisor wondered the same thing. Not nearly as often, our Cox Contour service gets a little wonky; nothing like the Internet, but still an annoying occurrence.