First thing I notice is your downstream power levels are a bit on the high side. Spec is -15 to +15dB but optimal is -5 to +5dB. Are you going through a amp? Next thing I see, or rather what I don't see, is the OFDMA channel in the upstream channel data. Does it show in another part of the diagnostics maybe? That is important because it is needed for the higher 100Mbps upload. Next, I notice 4 T3 time-out errors over the last few days. That is typical of a intermittent ingress issue with the upstream signal. Last, the Event type code 5/24 is the recovery of a QAM/OFDM channel. What I don't see is the usually matching code 2/25 when the channels fail to begin with. See here for more info.
When was the last time you had a technician out? Have you ruled out everything on your side past the demarc(where coaxial connects to your electrical ground)?