Packet loss issue for 3 months. Solved for a week, now back again worse than ever.
On june 17th my upload speed totally disappeared, and I started experiencing heavy packet loss upwards of 15% around the clock. I was totally unable to play any game, stream webcam, etc.
After THREE MONTHS they finally fixed the issue by disconnecting a cable that was feeding noise into the line, in the building next to me.
Yesterday the packet loss returned. Because the cable that was causing noise on the line is once again hooked up. I can see this cable in question from the street, and it even still has the big orange plastic tag on it that I saw the last cox tech slap on there. I know which cable it was because I was there when the cox tech disconnected it.
Every time I call in, I get totally blown off and told a tech will come out again. This is absolute BS. I know exactly what's causing the problem as I was there when the tech found it. He even went as far as disconnecting it, letting me check my speeds, then reconnecting it and letting me check my speeds again to verify it was that single cable that was responsible for my problems. And it was. While the cable was connected, I got less than 2 mbps upload. He disconnected the cable, perfect 35 up. He reconnected the cable, 2 mbps. So he disconnected it and left, and my internet has been fine since then, until last night.
Almost feels like someone went back out and hooked up the cable again, as I'm getting the exact same readings of packet loss and upload speed as I was before the cable was disconnected.
And before you script reading tier 1 cox chumps reply to me, please read the following;
It is not a problem with my hardware.
It is not a problem with network congestion, as it now happens 24 hours a day once again.
It is not a problem with literally anything to do with me. I do not need a new modem, I have new ethernet cables and coax cables, I EVEN GOT MY LANDLORDS TO RE-WIRE MY BUILDING WHEN THIS ALL BEGAN.
So I guess my goal with this thread is to get somebody higher up to see it. I'm absolutely sick of getting the run around with the braindead phone reps.
If you're higher up than tier 1 and can help me diagnose my problems, or tell me why a cable at a specific address is once again connected without them resolving the ingress issues (I can see this wire from the street, and I can see it hooked up again WITH THE BIG ORANGE TAG INDICATING THERE IS INGRESS ON THE LINE AND NOT TO HOOK IT UP) please reply to me. I've already lost a job because of this ** and once again, I can't even play games.