Forum Discussion

JIMMYSAB's avatar
New Contributor III
4 years ago

Outage since 3pm on 4/1/21

Please reopen the outage notification for the 85260 area near Shea and 101. The outage is being reported as resolved but I can assure it is not. Multiple homes in my neighborhood are down. No TV, no phone, no internet. 

The Cox app and web browser device resets aren’t working. The live agents keep saying there is not outage notification. 

Please stop the madness. We are wasting resources on all sides. 

  • JIMMYSAB's avatar
    New Contributor III

    Update: still no resolution after 5 days of having no services (TV, Phone, & internet). It came online on Sunday for about an hour (coincidentally just minutes before a Cox tech arrived). Since then, I've multiple technicians at my home and across the street at the Cox terminal they manage. Here's what I have learned. I share in case others out there are frustrated with troubleshooting issues and feel like no one at Cox can put together the full picture. 

    1. The outage notification system is layered and walled off internally among Cox employees, not all departments share/use the same tracking system essentially. This means that basic Cox support agents do not see the same work orders/issues/notifications that the actual techs see. Often this means that you report an issue/outage and the support agent says they don't see anything. Obviously this matters for many reasons, so I highly recommend that you ask every single Cox employee you talk to exactly how long they are seeing your outage recorded for. 

    2. When Cox says they will credit you for the services lost due to the outage, they use an automated calculator. As you can imagine, this often does not add up and cover the actual services lost. They use the system that is different than the actual techs which means the amount credited is rarely accurate to when your issues actually started. 

    3. The tier 1 Cox support agents have a limit on what they can credit. This would be anyone via chat or phone support. If you know your issue will go beyond $50, then seek immediate escalation to the Retention or Loyalty department. 

  • JIMMYSAB's avatar
    New Contributor III

    After hours of phone calls and chats, I was told that the outage is resolved but my fiber connection is not responsive. From there, multiple Cox support agents advised me to sign up for Cox Complete Care so a tech could come out. The soonest appointment being 4/19/21. Otherwise, the cost for a tech would be $75 USD. 

    So let’s recap. 

    3pm: outage occurs in my area 

    11pm: outage is reported as resolved 

    130am: I still have no internet, TV, or phone. All of which were installed by Cox exactly 22 days ago. I am using leased equipment from Cox, yet they want me to pay for a tech to come out in 17 days? I’m told to go use a Cox hotspot until my appt date. 

    As a customer centric forum, I hope other customers see this and avoid wasting their time with Cox support. Go straight to loyalty and find a resolution if one even exists.

    If anyone from Cox reads this, go look up my account and see the nonsense that has ensued dating back to my initial order which took 15 days to install. 

    My account # is ************* (Arizona). I’ve already emailed and I’ve made numerous attempts to have an agent add notes of my experience to my account. This is about as shady as it gets folks. No paper trail. No transparency. No accountability. 

    • Allan's avatar
      @Jimmsab, It does look like we need to take a closer look at your account and recommend reaching out to us via email at so we can discuss account specifics. -Allan, Cox Support Forums Moderator
    • RANDINI's avatar
      New Contributor

      This sounds almost exactly like my problem.