2 years agoHonored Contributor
New forums stink
Tired of seeing this time after time. Doesn't stay logged in, and every time I HAVE to login, I have to clear cached files and cookies!!! Error trying to access login page!
When signed in to Forums, you only remain signed in, after closing and re-loading the website, if you leave another browser tab open. If you completely close the browser, you won't be signed In the next time you access Forums. It's similar to Webmail. The difference is you can access Forums even when not signed in. (If you close the Webmail browser tab while another browser tab is open, you can re-open Webmail without signing in again. But, it creates a new device session).
Do you save your Forums credentials in browser settings? If yes, try deleting them and saving them again. It may not help, but it won't hurt to try. It's something you can test for the lack of valid authentication credentials that's causing the HTTP.401 unauthorized response error. But, if that error occurs with multple browsers, it's unlikely your saved credentials are the cause.
This might replace clearing cache and cookies. Close all browser tabs to clear HTTP.401 error