Forum Discussion

coxforumuser's avatar
New Contributor II
6 years ago

New Cox Homepage

Who in the hell came up with the new Cox Homepage.  It is horrible.  Please back the old homepage.  I have been with Cox for 29 years but I am seriously thinking of going to another communication company.   Fire the mental midgets who designed the new Homepage.  No Local news, health, politic, world, or trending section now.

    • KevinM2's avatar
      Former Moderator
      Hi Jim, at this time, customers are unable to revert back to the old home page. -Kevin
  • Hi Coxforumuser,

    Thank you for reaching out to us through Cox Forums. We appreciate that you took the time to post your comments. We will certainly pass what you’ve said onto our management team.

    Maria L.
    Cox Support Forum Moderator
  • Cigarman's avatar
    New Contributor

    Here.  Here.  It **!  Can't think of one good reason to go this route, but I'd love to hear it.

  • I agree.  I have changed my home page.  COX, how many will leave before you figure this out???  I'm using a local TV station's page that includes the local news, health, politic, world and trending sections that closely match what I used to get.

  • Some of the sentences in the stories are incomplete as if the the first (or last) few words were lost.  Some don't seem to fit in the proper context of the story.  Maybe cut-and-paste isn't working properly .

  • That is not the only things wrong with the new homepage.  I have had Cox for 15 years and every time they change something I have problems.  The latest is the pop up saying they do not serve my area, which the fools have as Kansas City, not where I really live, Wichita.  Have spent several hours talking and chatting with folks that did not/or would not understand that I had not moved. Cox programmers make changes for the sake of making them and do not test their changes.  I go to "My Account" and they have a pop up for "GigaBlast" which they can not do, but enjoy the extra monies (greed over service).  I doubt we will continue with Cox as they are charging more for less and their service is extra lousy.