Hi and thank you for your reply..
According to the MFG and one of the COX Techs I spoke with about a year ago,
the specifications of the SB6190 (32x8) exceeded the 50 upload speed. If you do a quick google
search on a SB6190 it stating 262mbps upload speed. Also if as you say it is good for only 10 up
then this confuses me because just a few years ago I was on a plan that offered 300/30 and I had
no problems with the 30 upload in fact I never went below 30 upload and was always higher than the 30. Unfortunately I have to end that plan because of increased pricing of my cable TV.
This has me baffled when the specs say it can easily handle 50 up, I used to have 30 up, and now all of a sudden its only good for 10 up? The other thing my account is still showing my plan as 500/10. I was told by 2 COX stores to keep an eye on my account. When it changes to 500/50 the new upload speed would be available to me.
Thanks for your reply. My worst case is use one of their modem/routers in what I believe is called "bridge mode" letting me take the output of the modem router and feed a stand alone Router. I don't believe COX is still charging a rental feed for modems. I have a complicated config of WiFi cameras, thermostat and other devices requiring port forwarding and I just as soon stay with my working router. It has GigaBit ethernet ports and the WiFi is fast enough.