Forum Discussion

LisaN's avatar
New Contributor
6 months ago

Massive fee increase

I have been a loyal Cox customer for 32 years.  Today, I got a text message from Cox out of the blue (as in no advanced notice that this was going to be happening) that my internet fee just went up 30%.  Absolutely outrageous.  The only way I could keep my current rate is to cut my speed in half.  I do not understand how a business can treat customers this way, and am strongly considering switching to my phone provider for internet service.  A friend just got slammed with the same fee increase and after a frustrating phone conversation with a Cox customer service rep, managed to eke out a measly $6 discount.  Seriously, Cox?  Do better.

  • briankmpks's avatar
    New Contributor II

    I disagree. It is helpful for other customers to know what type of service a company has. I’ve repeatedly tried to get your company to communicate about the outage in my area. At this point you can talk to me about what I post on a forum after you restore my service 

  • briankmpks's avatar
    New Contributor II

    I find that information helpful. Thank you for sharing. That may have made up my mind on how to proceed. My internet has been out since Wednesday while not cox’s fault they are providing no estimates on when it will be repaired. They don’t have fiber in my neighborhood. 

    • LisaN's avatar
      New Contributor

      Thank you, briankmpks.  I appreciate your empathy and validation.  Sorry that you're dealing with such a long outage and hope that gets resolved soon.  I'm not sure why I got slapped down by the moderator for my post.  I saw multiple other posts on this site complaining about big fee increases, to which the moderators responded with apparent desire to resolve the situation and keep the customer's business.

      • AllisonL's avatar

        Briankmpks, we truly apologize for your poor experience. The information that's available on our Cox app is the latest information available regarding the outage. Once any additional information is made available, it will be made available on our Cox app first. We sincerely apologize that it's taking longer than expected to resolve the outage. If we can be of additional support to you feel free to email us. 

  • LisaN, The purpose of the Cox Internet Forum is to allow customers to discuss technical topics related to residential Cox High Speed Internet, Video, or Phone services with other customers. If you need help with billing or other account specific issues, please reach us by phone or email at

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