Jitter Latency Packet Loss - Node Saturated
I'm trying to escalate this; let's see if the forum visibility can help.
For the past few weeks I am experiencing on an off bouts of extreme jitter, latency, and packet loss experienced at the second hop (or first local node I've confirmed with several neighbors that they are experiencing the same issues. This impacts the ability to work from home, which many of us are required to do right now, as video and voice software cannot accommodate such wild swings in latency nor packet loss. Performance will be great for a few hours, and then horrendous for a few hours, without any notable patterns.
I have had a tech out twice now. The first time they were here when things were working fine, but they set up a PingPlotter and checked back in a week. As expected, they witnessed the jitter and packet loss throughout the week and determined that the node is currently saturated and there's nothing they can do from their side. They stated that there was a note that this node was marked to be 'split' sometime this year!
A outtage was planned for yesterday for our entire neighborhood for a "Big Upgrade". Estimated downtime was 4 hours, actual was 13 hours. Service resumed and download speeds appear to have increased slightly, but after 12 hours of watching the network the SAME jitter, latency, and packet loss issues persist. Whatever this 'Big Upgrade' was, it did not resolve the current issues.
I have dozens of PingPlotter runs saved, but here are the most pertinent. Again, note that all issues begin at the second hop (cable modem to local node
This morning, since the Big Upgrade: https://share.pingplotter.com/THbPEi1XDKU
Last night, LATE, after the upgrade: https://share.pingplotter.com/HsFkGfw6yGS
Here's an example of things looking GOOD, proof that the connection is capable of being perfect https://share.pingplotter.com/Gj7BCKzt4SF
And here it was just a few hours before that example, absolutely terrible: https://share.pingplotter.com/Nnfdc75vYKm
How does my cable modem connection look? Tech saw no issues:
So, the tech promised to come back again tomorrow after the 'big upgrade' hoping to see the problem resolved. He said that if it persists, there's not much he can do from his side since it appears to be a network issue at that point. Certainly this is not the type of internet service Cox is satisfied with???
Any recommendations on how I escalate this issue from here? In my experience "Tech Support" visits or calls are focused on solving issues from the street to your modem and completely separate from the actual infrastructure and maintenance of that infrastructure. Ideas?
Orange County, Mission Viejo Resident 92691