Internet down for no reason
was minding my own business watching a yt vid and boom internet cut off and hasnt come back on. Didnt move touch or bump the modem didnt unplug anything nothing. I just signed up for service 2 weeks ago plugged modem in and it worked fine til now. No splitters on my line from the street to the modem no damaged cables nothing just shut off on its own. Tried smart help it doesnt help anything talked to support probably 5 times noone has ideas so i figure ill take the modem and switch it out tomorrow. Modem has stayed blinking green then orange since it went down. How does something break itself idk but im annoyed. Imagine ur internet gets cut off at 6:30 pm on a Saturday for no reason while ur in the middle of something! Now they want to just send a tech out but i sure as hell am not paying for that!!! Its not even the money its the inconvenience and time wasted. Im paying for a service that idk if its gonna work when i want to use it how disappointing……….any ideas?