Forum Discussion

Yerok's avatar
New Contributor II
4 years ago

Inconsistent upload speeds when broadcasting to twitch

Inconsistent upload speeds when broadcasting to twitch

I have had 10 techs come out, all could not solve the problem. 
Speed test are fine. They always are. 

I am trying to stream at 6mbs but it never even averages 3mbs, will go from 10mbs to 500kbs in seconds.  

again before any tech comes on here and asks me to run tests... they are all fine. all 5 of my tech visits for in home and out of home techs all said my speed tests 


  • Dave9's avatar
    Contributor III

    You need to check your modem logs for issues relating to upstream data, specifically T3 timeouts. You could be experiencing a level of packet loss that's not enough to significantly impact speed tests but can cause problems with streaming.

    • Yerok's avatar
      New Contributor II

      I have and on my end and cox there are zero errors or anything :/ 

      • Dave9's avatar
        Contributor III

        No errors in your modem logs at all after the modem has been running for at least 24 hours? Are you checking this yourself or are you going by what Cox says when they check it?

  • Cal Corporate and file a complaint it's the only way to get anything fixed!