7 years agoNew Contributor
My email has been hacked. Someone changed my password and set up forwarding to send my email to them ongoing. The support agent was able remove the forwarding and reset my password,but I am now una...
My Email is now working, as well as some other issues handled. Not fixed completely yet.
While I was chatting with support, disusing what has been transpiring over the past number of days, and months. Support, could not find the previous upgrade order, even though it showed on my Cox account page, and received numerous emails confirming the order, 2 days ago. I was on the phone with support when the order was made, and he confirmed the order number.
Yet the support individual I was chatting with could not find an order, or any notes, or anything about my half a dozen, and many hours on the phone and chatting with support.
While re-configuring my account, the support individual (Mary Ann), who seemed to have some experience at Cox. Suggested I get the "Complete Care Support" package. Soon as the order went through, a matter of a couple of minutes, email started working.
If you want support personal that can help you, and you want your email to work. Add the Cox Complete Care Support Package. It is $10 a month. It is the only way you can get anything resolved. It is all about the money.
It appears that Cox has adapted the Amazon AWS business plan. No support even though you pay for products, even if it is their fault. Purchase the monthly support plan, and everything works better, while the paid support personal have access to do things the normal support people cannot do.
It is all about the money. Just how it is nowadays, no support even though you have been paying on time for 20+ years. You have to pay that additional $10 support fee or be left out in the cold.
Real shame it is.