Forum Discussion

edwms's avatar
New Contributor II
10 months ago

Email transition from Cox

After receiving the Yahoo email and without accepting their terms & conditions, may I still download & remove my data from the Cox pop server via an email client like Outlook?

If so, can you please confirm the following is still correct?  When using these, I'm getting a time out error.


  • Skip1's avatar
    New Contributor II

    Turns out if you don't accept the Yahoo terms, you can do just that. Seems the servers are busy, however, and you may have to try a few times or do it during off-peak hours. First few times I tried, I got time out errors.

    My question is will Cox now honor a request to cancel my former email address so that if someone attempts to send mail to it, they'll receive a bounce-back notification? That way friends & family don't continue to send emails thinking they went through.

    • jcewe's avatar
      New Contributor II

      Cox will likely do nothing. Customer service to them is simply raising prices.

    • NicholeC's avatar

      Hi Skip1,



      If you have not moved to Yahoo, you should be able to log into your Cox account and delete your email with these steps:

      • Skip1's avatar
        New Contributor II

        Thanks NicholeC. I've tried that. But once you get the final email from Yahoo informing you it's time to transition, the hotlink to "Delete email" under your email address on the Manage Users window isn't there. 🙃

  • Skip1, 


    You are correct. Once your emails are transitioned to Yahoo, you no longer have access to Cox Web Mail servers. 


    Thank you for your patience and understanding during the transition, 



    Cox Support Forums Moderator

    • Skip1's avatar
      New Contributor II

      I didn't accept the Yahoo terms, so my emails were not transitioned. All I want to do now is cancel my former email address so that if someone attempts to send mail to it, they'll receive a bounce-back notification.

      It seems that after receiving the email from Yahoo, and if you DON'T accept their terms, you are locked out of your account via the webmail interface. However, you can still access emails already received via an email client like Outlook or through migration tools to another provider.

      Not sure what happens to emails received in the interim (i.e., after account is locked, but before it is cancelled).