Forum Discussion
New Contributor
I am having the EXACT problems. When talking to a customer rep, they stated that there were outings in my area and she couldn't do anything on her end or it would mess up my whole system. I've been without more than with since being forced to "upgrade to Contour". I sure hope my overpriced bill will reflect all my time without cable/internet. Cox has certainly put its customers in a headlock: must have to use anything, next they will add our electricity to the internet and we will be without electricity on the regular.
5 years agoModerator
Hi Spitts. This appears as if you may need someone to look into your account personally. We would definitely be able to assist you with this. Please reach out to us on Twitter at @CoxHelp via DM, visit us on Facebook via private message, or email us at Provide us the name on the account with the complete service address with a link to this thread so we can get started. - Lisa, Cox Support Forums Moderator