Forum Discussion
Hi Ricardocarty and LowAnimal, my family gets aggravated and frustrated when experiencing connection issues, too. I value your business and want to provide you with reliable internet! Scheduling a service call is definitely a great first step. If the issue continues after a service call, we need to know that. Intermittent issues are challenging to troubleshoot, and it may take more than one visit. We're always happy to credit for time without service when we've been aware of the issue and we're working to resolve it. I certainly don't want to lose your business without doing everything possible! I want your internet to be as reliable as I expect my own when I go home. For individual account issues, please email my team at
- LowAnimal2 years agoNew Contributor
Like I said, it's been happening for years. Despite tech visits. Despite me calling Cox and having them tell me to call Netgear. And having Netgear tell me to call Cox and have them change the power levels or whatever to my modem. Nothing has been able to help me. Some techs even refused to look at the poles in the alley. One tech said he would be back and never returned. Yet I still pay for the service cuz it's the only ISP available to me. It's very frustrating.
- Becky2 years agoModerator
You've truly been through a great deal, LowAnimal, and I understand how it might feel hopeless. I'm not convinced, however! I would still like an opportunity to investigate what's happening. If you change your mind, please email my team at
- LowAnimal2 years agoNew Contributor
I'll give that a try another day. For now I have to get going to work. At least my internet will be available from 8pm to 10am.
- Darkatt2 years agoHonored Contributor
I have been having some intermittent problems with my netgear router, it stops passing internet through WiFi, though my ethernet keeps working. Powercycling the router corrects the issue.
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