Forum Discussion
So sick and tired of cox dropping!! Twice today in Goodyear, AZ, In the last 6 months it's been getting worse with interruption and maintenance ect ect..This is gettng old!! When that other fiber optic company is fully operational, We are dropping cox like a bad habbit..
AL_G wrote:When that other fiber optic company is fully operational, We are dropping cox like a bad habbit..
Yeah, you don't want to hold a bad habbit. That sounds like something that might bite you. Oh, wait. You meant habit. Never mind. 😏 Did you know that in your only other post back in March, 2018, you used the same phrase "like a bad habbit", with the same misspelled word, while threatening to leave Cox then too? Well, actually, you said you were looking for another alternative. Five years and eight months later, you're still waiting for that other fiber optic company to be fully operational. This year for sure. DATA FEE | Cox Community
- rubbishbuster2 years agoNew Contributor II
Almost like Cox has enough power locally to interfere with the development of competitors that threaten their local monopoly. fortunately they have shills like you to rush to their defense and criticize people's spelling errors. Whatever gives you a cause to wake up in the morning, eh sport?🙄
- CurtB2 years agoHonored Contributor
It's not about Cox. If someone wants help, they should ask for help. But some people just want to rant and threaten to leave. If those people are unhappy with their service, they can leave. This is a user forum. Why would anybody care?
- nickj1112 years agoNew Contributor II
Well said. I feel sorry for this Curt guy, must have zero life.
- nickj1112 years agoNew Contributor II
Lookout everyone, the grammar police are in the forum. What a loser! Correcting people's grammar contributes nothing to the conversation and makes your argument look weak.
- WiderMouthOpen2 years agoEsteemed Contributor II
If you don't like it here, go away. You haven't helped a bit on this forum.
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