12 months agoNew Contributor to Yahoo
For this conversion to Yahoo do we who have the cox. net email need to create an account with Yahoo prior or wait, or is this even needed?
My concern is that I already have an existing Yahoo account. When the transition happens should I just log out of Yahoo and log back in with my Cox email address and password?
Hi, Ken. If you are logging in at the website, you would just log out and log back in using your credentials.
Thanks ChrisJ2. One more question. Once I'm migrated over to Yahoo can I just go to my Outlook 365 and just change the IMAP and SMTP settings to my account to Yahoo's setting (
Would I need to generate an app password?
If there's more to it can you explain the steps?
You can just change the server names; however, if that does not work, you will want to add another account in Outlook and choose the Yahoo template.
I have a similar issue. My Cox secondary email credentials will log me into Yahoo, however the email address over at Yahoo appears as my existing Yahoo email address