COX Cisco Modem causes internet to disconnect twice a day, 12 hours apart.
So for about 10 months, my internet connection has been dropping twice a day, every day, 12 hours apart. Every device, every wi-fi connection stops for about 7 to 10 minutes. I replaced the 6 year old router, ethernet cables, etc... I've reset the modem a number of times and had COX reset the modem as well. All this does is change the time at which the connection is lost. For example, the COX tech reset the modem remotely at 11:20am-ish, because I reported (in chat) that this happened every day at 11:47am and again at 11:47pm. After the reset of the modem, my new time for disconnection from the internet became 11:20am-ish and again 12 hours later. Currently, because I reset the modem myself from the COX website, my modem now resets at 5:57am and 5:57pm. Has anyone encountered this issue and if so, what can I do to prevent the modem from disconnecting twice a day. I believe it is the modem as nothing else would "schedule" a connection drop so consistently.